Keeping a Customers Information


New member
Just curious, how long should I keep a customer's information after they cancel an account with me?
I'm just starting out so I haven't even got my first customer, but I know this will be something I need to know for the future.
Most larger companies I know will keep the information indefinitely. Even if the data base they are using gets cleaned out they archive the old stuff. I would do the same if I were you. Doesn't mean you have to have it easily accessible when it gets old.
I'd agree with keeping the information indefinitely, however, as a second option, I'd keep it as long as it's necessary for your taxing authority. US IRS requirements, if memory serves, would be 5 years at a minimum. You'd need to verify that though.
Thanks for the advice and it makes sense. It seems like it can't hurt to keep it indefinitely and I hadn't even yet thought through the IRS requirements. I'll have to check into that a little more.
Forever, since you never know. But this also depend of the legislation from your country. I delete the old data after couple of months max 1 year.
Since it likely doesn't take up much room in your database, I'd suggest keeping all past customer's information. You never know when the customer may decide to return someday.... and it may help if you've kept a record of them.
They barely use any database, after their accounts are removed, they have an "Inactive" status and remain there.
WHMCS, for as long as possible. If needed, backup and keep. Its best to keep your records for as long as you can or as long as its required.

You never know when you might need it someday. Like brianf said. IRS req.... etc...
Just keep it indefinitely incase you ever have to file taxes. It would also prove to be more convenient if the same client ever came back so they could just reuse their old billing account to sign up again.
we keep it forever here at LION LOAD. Incase a customer comes back or we need it for some reason (ex: customer opens dispute).
Thats an important point to remember-you might have to deal with a future dispute with the customer and having information would be useful because they might not be in a cooperative mood when dealing with you.

If you leave the business and are in something completely unrelated there might be a reason to get rid of it.
I agree with everyone here. It is very important to hold on to previous customer's information for future reference. Just keep a separate file to store it in case you ever have any disputes and you need to go back and view the information. I'm sure that all the businesses we have ever been customers of have our info on file somewhere for a very long time.
Depends where your company is based.

In the U.K I believe you have to store all information for at least 7 years then maybe forced to erase information (as part of the Data Protection Act)
In the Eastern Europe as far as I know ,for example, they don't keep the customers' information for too long :)
Just keep their contacts so that u will be having their e-mails. And if you want give any special offers anytime you can mail that offers directly to them and who knows...? you may get sign-ups. !!