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As we all know once Ksplice was sold to oracle. It became not so easy if impossible to grab this sweet piece of software.

CloudLinux has added another awesome product to their stable of offerings. Kernel Care. According to the author it is not a Ksplice clone but a complete rewrite. I have removed all my Ksplice items (minus one,just cannot let the account go) And am now running KernelCare.

It is free for a short time. Check it out here:

Of course main site is
I am curious to see who has it in place already. I have a couple of concerns. First, it only takes care of kernel updates, but there are other updates which will still require a reboot. On the other hand, a critical kernel update can be applied without a reboot, so you can protect against something like a new sql injection. Second, you typically want to know if a kernel has an issue, which is why you reboot. Applying a problem kernel just puts off the inevitable issue until you must do a reboot, and you have not planned the downtime accordingly that a newly discover issue can cause.
Bootless kernel updates are a wonderful tool if one runs one server or a thousand. The vendors such as Ksplice and KernelCare are able to push out patches much faster then one may receive a notice of a important update. And they are called bootless for a reason :) Really no need to reboot into the kernel after patch has been applied.

Now once I start to think about CL and KernelCare as a bundle. It makes even more sense. As CloudLinux is modified kernel instead of CL saying please update kernel due to ______ His system just automatically patches the kernel. It really is a tidy little system those two items bundled together. Even though one needs not to run CL to run KernelCare.
We're running KernalCare on are servers with CloudLinux and have not had any issues to this date.

Igor and his team at CloudLinux know what they are doing and make a wonderful product.
We're running KernelCare on all of our CloudLinux and OpenVZ estates. It's inexpensive and protects servers from exploits without having to have emergency update and reboots.
The main reason we use it is so that we can stick to our per-arranged maintenance windows for the different clusters and not suddenly have mass updates and reboots on our hands to perform without all of the standard planning and due diligence.