L&M Hosting (Important)


New member

Someone has been posting abuse about L&M Hosting using my account details and a AOL screen name CMTHostingNet, this is not me, and don't belive any of the Information listed on the posts or conversations.

Bad luck! Some people these days must have nothing better to do!

I would try contacting the admin of the forum he is posting on.
I thought this would be an appropriate place to put my first post on this forum. I've only just been linked to it. So hey guys I'm Lee, the owner of L&M Hosting.

There wasn't any abuse at all, just one post made about our prices being expensive, which is not true and a few other childish similar digs. They were at WHT and most posts were made while Chris (CMT) was banned.

Only other emails I got was asking us to close CMT's hosting accounts with us down which he later stated was not from him, but he wanted it closed anyway.

Odd goings on in the world of hosting. So what else is new?