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GeekGhost is offering our most aggressive promotion yet! We started Cyber Monday one week early and the results have been AMAZING. This is the LAST DAY to get 50% off ALL PLANS ALL TERMS FOR LIFE!(Excludes Dedicated) (Hey, it's not Cyber Monday without some sick deals, right? )
*Coupon code good until 11/27/2012. GeekGhost50

GeekGhost offers some of the best SLAs in the industry. With stellar 24/7/365 SUPPORT and friendly techs, we make your Web hosting easy and dependable.
We back our support with a 30 minute initial response SLA. You can expect a response in minutes (sometimes seconds) but under no circumstances more than 30 minutes.
We extend our 99.9% Uptime Guarantee to ALL services including mysql, Web server and Email.
Try us with confidence! We offer a 30 day money back guarantee on Shared, Reseller and Reseller_lite Plans.

Shared Web Hosting: Basic Web hosting that will fill most needs. Our prices are some of the most competitive around.
Reseller Hosting: Manage several different hosting accounts under one main account. Includes a free billing system.
Reseller_lite: Our newest offerings take all of the bloat out of Reseller Hosting. Smaller plans that allow you to start small and grow as you need to.
Uber Hosting: GeekGhost's brand of Semi-Dedicated Hosting. Shared a powerful server with 3 to 4 other clients allowing you all the power of a dedicated server with none of the Admin skills needed.
Dedicated Hosting: One server. One client. (No discount on Dedicated Servers)

To see which works best for you take a look at the info graphic HERE

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GG-1 - 2GB Space=========> $15 per year before discount
*More plans listed at

*All shared plans include cPanel control panel, Softaculous Script Installer, Free NIGHTLY BACKUPS

Use Coupon Code GeekGhost50 at checkout for 50% OFF for the life of your account.

View Web Hosting plans and features HERE

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GGr-100 - 100GB Space/1000GB Bandwidth ==> $24.95 per month before discount
GGr-300 - 300GB Space/3000GB Bandwidth ==> $49.95 per month before discount
GGr- 500 - 500GB Space/5000GB Bandwidth ==> $79.95 per month before discount
GGr- 1000 - 1000GB Space/10000GB Bandwidth => $129.95 per month before discount

*All Reseller Plans include cPanel control panel, Softaculous Script Installer, Free NIGHTLY BACKUPS, Free WHMCS or ClientExec billing system.

Use Coupon Code GeekGhost50 at checkout for 50% OFF for the life of your account.

View Reseller Hosting plans and features HERE

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GGrl-1 - 1GB Space/10GB Bandwidth ==> $3.95 per month before discount
GGrl-5 - 5GB Space/50GB Bandwidth ==> $5.95 per month before discount
GGrl- 10 - 10GB Space/100GB Bandwidth ==> $9.95 per month before discount
GGrl- 20 - 20GB Space/200GB Bandwidth => $14.95 per month before discount

*All Reseller_lite Plans include cPanel control panel, Softaculous Script Installer. Plenty of free ticket systems and billing systems through Softaculous.

Use Coupon Code GeekGhost50 at checkout for 50% OFF for the life of your account.

View Reseller_lite Hosting plans and features HERE

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Uber-10 - 10GB Space/100GB Bandwidth ==> $19.95 per month before discount
Uber-25 - 25GB Space/250GB Bandwidth ==> $29.95 per month before discount

Uber-R-500 - 500GB Space/5000GB Bandwidth ==> $119.95 per month before discount - ALLOWS RESELLING! INCLUDES WHMCS OR CLIENTEXEC!
Uber-R-1000 - 1000GB Space/10000GB Bandwidth => $199.95 per month before discount - ALLOWS RESELLING! INCLUDES WHMCS OR CLIENTEXEC!

*All Uber Plans include cPanel control panel, Softaculous Script Installer and FREE Nightly Backups.

Use Coupon Code GeekGhost50 at checkout for 50% OFF for the life of your account.

View Uber Hosting plans and features HERE

GeekGhost can also provide custom dedicated server quotes. Our prices are some of the best in the industry. Bring us what you have elsewhere and we'll likely beat it. EMail us at with your needs and receive a custom quote. Hit us up on Live Chat through our Web site or email. Call us at 1.855.34.GHOST between 12 and 12 daily. Or submit a ticket through our Help Desk 24/7/365 and receive a response ASAP.

*GeekGhost LLC is a registered business in the State of Florida. We accept Paypal or Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and Discover. PCI Compliant Checkout Process.

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