Load Balanced ADSL

Matt Midgley

New member
Hi All,

There's no escape from tech talk in the hosting lounge! I was wondering if anyone here has dealt with/used load balanced ADSL? I'm just interested in how well it worked and any issues that were experienced. Seems a nice cheap alternative to SDSL for a decent upload speed.

Unfortunatly I have not Matt. Are you looking at a way to get packets to an FTP server utilising 2 ADSL lines at the same time? Would it be cheaper to just upgrade the single ADSL line? or are you looking at it for redundancy?
I'm just looking for a solution with greater upload than a single ADSL line. Even with a 2Mbit line you can't get much more than 30Kbit/sec upload. If you linked four together (which would be fairly expensive, but not as expensive as SDSL) you could get 4x the upload speed - if it works the way I think it does.
Your ISP would need to support bonding (I think from memory this is the correct term) of the channels in order to get the multiple lines to work as a single line, however it can be done. Your router will also need to support channel bonding.

I think my ADSL reseller provider can do this, drop me a line if you want me to quote you.
Small world, this is the guy who originally asked me the question :) I seem to remember he was having a license issue with the ADSL cards recently, I'll drop him a line and see how he's getting on and report back.

He uses the system to upload large video files to some accounts on a couple of my hosting servers, hence the need for fast upload speeds.
The license issue was with the boot CD, not the cards, so if you want to use your own solution there's no license issue.
Small world, this is the guy who originally asked me the question :) I seem to remember he was having a license issue with the ADSL cards recently, I'll drop him a line and see how he's getting on and report back.

He uses the system to upload large video files to some accounts on a couple of my hosting servers, hence the need for fast upload speeds.

It is a small world sometimes :) Thanks also for the extra details you posted just above this about the CD.

Matt... hopefully this can help with what you are looking for.

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