Location of Ads


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Are there bloggers here? A long-time blogger has told me that the best location for the ads are a large box on top of the first post and a tower immediately to the right. He also recommends a banner ad at the bottom.

What's your experience with ad locations? Where do you recommend them to be placed?
Are there bloggers here? A long-time blogger has told me that the best location for the ads are a large box on top of the first post and a tower immediately to the right. He also recommends a banner ad at the bottom.

What's your experience with ad locations? Where do you recommend them to be placed?

At the beginning of the post tends to work well. Also, if you use text ads and make them match your site font/colors so they flow well with the rest of your site, the CTR tends to be better.
Only put one at the top; more than that is annoying. Put the others along the side (usually the right) and maybe one at the bottom. Hostmantis also makes a good point about text ads fitting in with the site design.
Only put one at the top; more than that is annoying. Put the others along the side (usually the right) and maybe one at the bottom. Hostmantis also makes a good point about text ads fitting in with the site design.

That is one of the biggest issues. When you place too many ads, it's obvious the only intent you have with the site is for people to click your ads, which will cause most people to leave.
I think your ads need to be rotated to keep visitors from becoming used to their location and passing by them.
I notice that contextual ads located within the content (on the top left of the post body, just after the post title) tend to get more clicks. Don't forget about ad links.
At the beginning of the post tends to work well. Also, if you use text ads and make them match your site font/colors so they flow well with the rest of your site, the CTR tends to be better.

I think HostMantis makes a great point. If you are able to match the font, size and color of the ad text to the rest of the web site then more people will click on the ad links.
If you can get sponsorship with the long leaderboard on the right, that usually pulls in more traffic than the top banner. You'll pay more for it, but it's on the screen longer as there's scrollability.
Not only the placement, the ad formats also matter here. Besides the leaderboard, the medium rectangle (300 x 250) format for Google Adsense and any other adsense ads is also highly recommended.
It depends completely on the website and its visitors. Each website/blog will be different but some general rules do apply.

Displaying your ads in a prominent position will help (above the fold).

I almost always use left float as the first thing in the article. It's large AdSense 4 ads box and I think it works nice. Side tower (leaderboard) is also an excellent option, just like Conor explained.
Now you got me thinking - I saw a plugin for WordPress last week that controlled how often ads were displayed, who they were presented to and so on, but can't remember it right now. You could exclude visitors by IP address as well.
Thanks for the very valuable inputs, guys! I have to say "ouch" about not putting too much ads. I guess I have to redesign the layout of one of my blogs.

I also love the suggestion about rotating the ads. True, once the mind gets used to the position of one ad, it tends to skip it. But if there's a new ad there, then the location catches fresh attention.

Zagor, what's a "left float"? I think it's my first time to see this term :) I understand the other terms you used.
Now you got me thinking - I saw a plugin for WordPress last week that controlled how often ads were displayed, who they were presented to and so on, but can't remember it right now. You could exclude visitors by IP address as well.

Yes I saw that plugin somewhere but I can't remember its name. Anyhow I don't like when plugin meddles with my ads especially deciding who they are going to be presented to.
I think there are several Wordpress plugins developed to insert Adsense ads within your blog content. I use QuickAdsense myself and I think it has features you are talking about.
I find this topic cool,

I would have an ad on the top, both right and left hand sidebars and one at the footer allow you to have more places for people to advertise. and you make a little something as well.
Review your website to identify areas in which you wish to put ads. Prime spots on a page include the top 300 pixels of a page, as well as the top left-hand side of a page. The least viewed and least read areas of a web page include the bottom half of the page and the footer area.
You can find so many blogs containing ads and square types of them might seem cool to load on right sides of pages, at the top and you may add four blocks to your homepage. The ads would be seen by people who just look at your site.

While creating contents, you may add single ads to the beginning parts of your text paragraphs, right below titles and when people move down the pages, they would surely spot the graphics and probably making clicks on them.

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