Looking for a reliable solution of design and programing


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Looking for a reliable solution of design and programming


I am Looking for a reliable solution of design and programming

I found http://www.mdgcreative.net

I would like know the better staffs, for design and programming

I wait your Suggestions and comments
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Augustino, this is an extremely personal question because different people have different goals, budgets, experiences, preferences, etc. when it comes to design and programming. All those things contribute to the decision on who they choose to work with.

I've had good and I've had bad experiences. Sometimes I had both. So I can't really recommend someone. Its who you think is best for you.

Check company's portfolios and if their style and vision when it comes to creating web sites match what you are looking for, then its who you shall go with. There are also a lot of freelance web sites such as RentACoder.com, ScriptLance.com, Elance.com where you can browse pool of professionals and pick those you like the most.

I don't know if that makes sense, but this is how I've been working for a while.

Artashes said:
Augustino, this is an extremely personal question because different people have different goals, budgets, experiences, preferences, etc. when it comes to design and programming. All those things contribute to the decision on who they choose to work with.

Ok, I understand

Artashes said:
I've had good and I've had bad experiences. Sometimes I had both. So I can't really recommend someone. Its who you think is best for you.

This is a reazon because I am looking for opinions.

Which, Why and who Have you bad experiences?

Artashes said:
Check company's portfolios and if their style and vision when it comes to creating web sites match what you are looking for, then its who you shall go with. There are also a lot of freelance web sites such as RentACoder.com, ScriptLance.com, Elance.com where you can browse pool of professionals and pick those you like the most.

Thanks Artashes, for yours recomendations

Any experiences about the work of freelance, is welcome

Best Regards
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Programmers from India

Anyone tried hiring programmers from India who work cheap. Any recommendations. Thanks
rhunter said:
Anyone tried hiring programmers from India who work cheap. Any recommendations. Thanks
websiteideas said:
If you want quality, go with U.S. programmers.
I think both generalizations are wrong.
I have worked with Indian programmers that were expensive and U.S. programmers that produced poor results. It has nothing to do with geography, but quality of talent. India is just a stronger nation in the field, so just because they charge less, doesn't mean they can't do the job right.
i am working with a programmer from india and so far its working out great, i will give you his name after i make sure that is fine with him if you want it.

note: the site is not the one in my link, so you cant go by it, but hopefully in a few days the new site will be complete and you can check it out there and see the kind of work he does
You can also visit SEO forums and ask for help their. Usualy they share their opinion as for good and bad SEO companies. You can also analize some freelance optimisers if you watch their posts.
web design quality

I think when you look at Indian web deisgners you got to ask a few obvious questions:

- What is the reputation of the designer/ company that you plan to deal with

- What is the expereince of level of teh designers - for indoan web designers you need to choose someone with 4 + years experience to see decent results

- What web design work samples have they done already

- Work with people who wil be willing to receive payment after project

- Ask the designer to produce a sample beofore the work proceeds to get an idea of their design concepts

- Do not use a "young kid" out of college

I can go on but the above are the more improtant questions. Remeber you will not get everything good from India, but when you do find a decent designer/ company, its worth the effort as the good ones ARE good and huge value for money. A good deigner/ company should be easy to find.

Pm me if you need recommendations, i'll be glad to point you in the right direction

web design uk
web design manchester

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