Looking for New Host

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Plb Hosting

New member
Good evening everyone.

I am not sure where to start on this question but I am looking for a different host to move all my accounts to...... my current host is getting out of the business and although there is someone in the background taking over I am not entirely comfortable. why you ask? well I have had an ongoing support issue and it has taken a week to solve a simple thing and I am just totally frustrated to no end. The support group is whom is taking over the business. First bad squirt in my mouth and it is a nasty one..

so what i am looking for is
between 3000MB - 5000MB space
50GB to 75GB bandwidth
Cpanel Pro with box trapper, cp skins and rv skins if possible just to mention a couple of things
Custom DNS for myself and the ability to have a custom ip for some clients who have reseller accounts for their multiple domains
Fantastico Delux, spam assassian, wealyzer and awestats, agora shopping cart, hot link protection, MySql and PostgreSql databases, Whm, and of course all the other things like php etc.. you know the normal

I am a Unix/Redhat person not a windows person and I would like to know if that host will be willing to help me transition 18+ accounts since the host will have shell access..... as all databases etc will need to be moved.

I am looking for stats on uptime, customer support, how long in business, what is the reputation, is it a mom and pop or a fly by night business to them..?

have I asked alot here? yes, but then I don't know whom to trust these days....

I would love some feedback on these things if you would not mind giving me some.. I need to make a decision before the end of August... if not sooner

thanks a bunch everyone

Please post your offer and don't make the possible client to contact you directly, I personally believe if they are Insterested they will come to you.

Good Luck,
Not an offer

Jose, I am not posting any kind of an offer I am asking a question........ I was looking for a host but made a decision on it earlier since I had so many people responding........
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