looking for reseller account

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I'm looking for budget reseller account as I'm new in web hosting business. tired of working in the office and plan to start small business at home by providing web hosting service and web design services for my clients. Can anybody tell me how to look for a good web host. I searh from the net and found many web host offer reseller package, some is very cheap and some is so expensive. What make them offer such a big gap in pricing? Is buying expensive package mean good or cheap package is equally good, how do I decide?
some require higher price due to the levels of supports, support determine part of the prices too, if your good enough, and doesn't require much support it would be better to get the cheaper 1(considering the company have a decent record of uptimes) :)
I'm comming from the country which have great tourism resources and tourizm is its main economy potential. Our public very often ask one retorical question.

Do we need 1000 tourists that will spend $100 a day, or it is beter to have 100 tourists spending $1000 a day?

I prefer second solution, because it means that our coast is not overcrowded, and that every tourist that come to our country can feel comfortable.

Now, go to hosting: If we (hosters) offer very cheap resources as you can find on the web /example 10GB space and 100GB bandwisth with cPanel and other features, for $10 a month/ we will gain a lot of customers. But, if you have a 120 GB hard disk, we can sell only 12 packages on one server with 1200 GB og monthly bandwidth, which makes us $120 a month. But... serious server in serious Datacenter (which guaranties quality) with these resources costs at least as much money as we earned from our 12 customers. So, it means it is not feasable to work like this. So, if we plan to have profit we can do one of the two things.

First thing is to go with REAL market price for REAL resources (remember that hosting company expenses are not just in hardware but also in human resources). If I have a 24h support, I will charge you as a client for this, because I need to pay, at least 3 persons to work 8 hours shifts. ON the other hand, you as a customer will know what you get for your money.

Second thing is to oversell our capacity. Meaning that I will sell not 12 packages on server mentioned above, but 120 packages, hoping that no one of my 120 clients will never use all his/her resources. But... if only 10 percent of my customer base decide to use all resources, suddenly my server is over crowded and is not able to deliver content any more.

Hope this helps. Remember that above example was for $10 price. I am sure you can find even cheaper packages say 5-6 USD, but can you imagine than what will happened when even lower percentage of customers maybe, some day, decide to use all resources that thay payed for?
If you do the proper study and searching you will get a good price and good products. Not many people have time to do searching in the net to find a good solution as it is time consuming. What Dyna say is absolutely right, pricing go with support too. Normally those who offer too cheap have big volume of customer and unable to offer good support. But companies who offer reasonable low price also provide good support due to the following factors:

1. They have reliable server as such less support work required
2. Their cost is lower since many companies is now putting up server in the country that offer low operating cost such as India, Malaysia and china.

One good factor for you to decide whether the company able offer good support or not is, whether they have forum setup in their site. Normally company who offer good support will put up a forum to receive any feedback from their customer and at the same time it can be view by everybody, companies who frequent receive complaint from customer definitely can’t have their forum published to everyone.

Last but not least, please check what type of server the web hosts are using and what type internet connection they are using to connect to the backbone. Some web hosts are still using Pentium 3 Server and this definitely will not offer you good quality hosting solutions. Typically Pentium 4 is acceptable although Xeon Double processor server is the best. Look for Internet backbone line with the speed of not less than 100Mbps in order to make sure your web site is high speed. If you can’t find this info in their web site, email their sales team for details.
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Expensive package doesn't mean high quality (support + uptime)
Very cheap package is quite dangerous: old server, massive sites, bad support ..
You better look into the website and use your judgement :)
You will want to familiarize yourself with as many web hosting forums as you possibly can and do searches on all hosts you are considering to purchase a reseller package from. Look and see what all the host has to offer, and doesn't. Then take that price and compare it to the others you find. Some hosts offer things such as extra control panels, cheaper static IPs and better management plans, others don't have the nice extra control panel, but have a better reputation and faster support response times.

Personally we chose a datacenter that is local to us, not only so that we can be in front of the server within 30 minutes if need be, but also so we support local organizations. Ultimately you will have to decide who to go with, and no one can force your hand in it, but by all means ask questions, search, and research a host before buying. And don't pay for a year in advance.
If you are planning to start Reselling Business a then, first decide about the following points:

1. How many customer you have to go with a reselling package.
2. How much support you yourself can provide to your clients.
3. What all you want to offer your clients? OR
4. If you already have clients ready with you, than what are there requirements.
5. What is your budget?

After that you can look for a host according to your needs and Budget.

MOD NOTE: Post edited. Link removed.
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Thank you for the reply for forum members, I have visited all your web site. Can anybody guide me on how to test the server speed.
mikehoe2288 said:
Thank you for the reply for forum members, I have visited all your web site. Can anybody guide me on how to test the server speed.

You can ask host to provide you with a link where you can download som ehuge file for speed testing

The speedtest site recommneded by you it mainly to test the internet connection speed and not the server speed. I think the best way is still testing to download files.

From what I know many hosting company are still using Celeron Server or Pentium III server which is rather slow. When I browse on their web site, many does not specify what server they are using.

What hosting providers are you looking at? Many good well know hosting companies are running dual operton or xeons with 2.4 GHz or higher.

Hosts that I have tried out for reseach for our hosting direcotry that have reseller accounts are www.netbunch.com, www.hostdime, and www.resellerzoom.com.

Another resource that you might want to check out is Dan's page. He is one of the moderators which off the top of my head I do no thave his site available to me.
Thank you very much for the info given by the forum members, all of you are very helpful and this forum is a very good forum for those who want more info on web hosting related knowledge.

I have signup my reseller account with one of the forum member who participate in this discussion. This company claims to have Intel Xeon double processor server connected to 155Mbps backbone to the internet with the space of 10GB and 100GB Bandwidth Reseller hosting (unlimited domains) that cost me monthly US$29.99. The reason I signup with this company because their server is reasonable fast when I upload files to the test account they created for me, the price offer is not the lowest but reasonable.

After 2 to 4 weeks of testing, I will post my experience in this forum again. Currently I have about 8 clients who waiting for hosting account, they engage me for the web design services, as such I have no more time for further testing. I just pick one and go with it first, but if the server really bad then I have to transfer later. I hope the server will be the best and I made the right choice. I charge my client not low price because my clients are looking for quality.

Once again thank so much to all forum members who is very helpful.
I am extremely glad that you found this forum helpful when making your decision. This is what it is here for.
I hope that the company you signed up with will live up to your expectations, as well as exceed them. Keep in mind, however, that that company probably broke the forum rules by soliciting you as a forum member looking for advice.

I'm posting a protest on the message posted by forum admin. Please clarify what you mean by the statement “Keep in mind, however, that that company probably broke the forum rules by soliciting you as a forum member looking for advice”

Mike, if you are still looking at the forum, please clarified to everybody whether we are soliciting you or not. We feel very disappointed on the statement issued by forum admin as it is baseless and try to undermine our creditability as a responsible web hosts and forum member.

We advertise in your forum by putting our banner and paid you US$35 for the advertisement, we have customer sign up and now you issue this type of statement. Please check with Mike, we never send a single marketing email to him, until he send email to our support staff request for test account, he make his own decision and due to our offer is consider good by him, he sign up with us.
Hi everybody,

I don't think we shall discuss this matter on the forum, I feel that forum is the place for members to get the input and not the place to argue who get the business. Just want to clarify here that nobody is soliciting me and nobody sending me marketing email to my private email for signing up a reseller hosting package. I made my own decision after do the searching on the net and listen to the advice from forum members.
hosting-horse said:
I'm posting a protest on the message posted by forum admin. Please clarify what you mean by the statement “Keep in mind, however, that that company probably broke the forum rules by soliciting you as a forum member looking for advice”
Clarifying. Not knowing the circumstances of Mike's sign-up, the "statement" came from the below post made by him:
mikehoe2288 said:
I have signup my reseller account with one of the forum member who participate in this discussion. This company claims to have Intel Xeon double processor server connected to 155Mbps backbone to the internet with the space of 10GB and 100GB Bandwidth Reseller hosting (unlimited domains) that cost me monthly US$29.99. The reason I signup with this company because their server is reasonable fast when I upload files to the test account they created for me, the price offer is not the lowest but reasonable.
In it, he did not clarify it much either. Given that one of the biggest problems any forum with similar rules would have is that when a member is silently being solicited by a company (whether by PM or email). Especially that mikehoe2288 said one of those who participated in this discussion. After looking through, there was no public solicitation made, which only raised a flag in mod's mind. Sorry. Usually that is hard to trace and lots of work needs to be done in order to get to the bottom of things. I never made a statement, rather "tested waters" with my post to see the reaction and trigger a more detail explanation, which we got:
mikehoe2288 said:
Just want to clarify here that nobody is soliciting me and nobody sending me marketing email to my private email for signing up a reseller hosting package. I made my own decision after do the searching on the net and listen to the advice from forum members.
No problem there.
And I do agree with Mike on this one:
mikehoe2288 said:
I don't think we shall discuss this matter on the forum, I feel that forum is the place for members to get the input and not the place to argue who get the business.
It shall be that way. However, reality that not many members see, is that sometimes rules are being violated and we have to react appropriately. That is why members have us, the mods, to protect and serve the community.

Oh, by the way, this statement is irrelevant:
hosting-horse said:
We advertise in your forum by putting our banner and paid you US$35 for the advertisement, we have customer sign up and now you issue this type of statement.
Advertising at HostingDiscussion.com does not give special status to ANYONE. Rules are rules and are being enforced fairly all the time. We've had a company before who would donate over $3,000 in sponsorship. For some reason they thought they bought a "no-rules-apply-to-me-ticket", just to find out that their ticket had an expiry date shortly after.

Let's keep this discussion on the topic, gentlemen.

In the meantime, thank you mikehoe, for a review. We would of coruse love to read a review of their services in future! Don't forget to post!

I'm looking for budget reseller account as I'm new in web hosting business. tired of working in the office and plan to start small business at home by providing web hosting service and web design services for my clients. Can anybody tell me how to look for a good web host. I searh from the net and found many web host offer reseller package, some is very cheap and some is so expensive. What make them offer such a big gap in pricing? Is buying expensive package mean good or cheap package is equally good, how do I decide?

Now that several posts have been made has your questions been answered?
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