Looking for reseller hosting plan provider


New member
I am looking for some reseller hosting plan providers, with:

1. Linux
2. Has 24 hours online chat support
3. Server located in North America, USA, Western Europe
4. Domain / account hosting - unlimited
5. Add-on Domains - unlimited
6. Parked Domains - unlimited
7. Sub-domains - unlimited
8. FTP Accounts - unlimited
9. has IMAP
10. has SMTP
11. has alternative SMTP port than 25
12. has no less 2000 mail sending number limit per hour or unlimited
13. provide Private Name Server for free
14. provide free 2 Dedicated IPs or with low price
15. provide additional Dedicated IP with $1 or less
16. provide free SSH
17. has monthly payment plan and from first month
18. I will be glad if give me some free trail period
19. Preferred control panel software - WHM/cPanel
20. MySQL with unlimited number and unlimited size
21. Allow overselling (Overselling means I can take the amount of disk space and bandwidths ACTUAL USE between all my accounts. For example, if we had the 10 GB space and 50 GB transfer plan and we decided to offer plans such as 1 GB space and 10 GB transfer on our site, we would only be able to offer it to 5 clients. With overselling enabled, we would be able to offer as many as we want as long as the aggregated amount USED does not go over the 5 GB space and 50 GB transfer).
22. instant account activation
23. no setup fee
24. web space from 5GB to 20GB
25. bandwidth 20GB or more per 1GB web space
26. price $1 or less per each 1GB web space
27. price range - up to $20 per month
28. allow instant upgrade from existing plan to larger plan
29. Do not have bad reputation

If you really have or know this type hosting reseller plan please offer me or post here and describe real technical specifications with price match I mentioned above.
search google and shorlist the companies and send your requirement. You will definately find a good1.
You may look at www.**************.com's package plans. They may suit you well but I think your budget is rather little.
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Glostar said:
12. has no less 2000 mail sending number limit per hour or unlimited

That'll be a bit tough to find. Make sure you send a pre-sales e-mail to the hosts you decide to go with.
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Well, there are lots of provider like us, you can search or google for the requirements. An moreover, all the requirements are not possible to fullfill my one provider. However, I sent you an PM. And here you included Free Dedicated IP which is no where possible to get.

Best of luck.

HostingTrip said:
And here you included Free Dedicated IP which is no where possible to get.

Not true. Many hosts offer free IPs. Most see it as an opportunity to upsell a buck or two, but many do not.
I just hope the OP understands that the dedicated IP will not be used for mail. The main shared IP for the server will be used.

That sending limit is very high, to the point where it can monopolize a server for a few minutes while processing that mail.
You may look at valuhost.com. Their customer service knowm as one of the best. In any case as someone said you have to contact your future provider with tones of presales questions.
I really do not see this as happening. You are talking about paying from 5$ to 20$ per month (judging by your disk space requirements).

First of all getting a gigabyte for every dollar you pay is hard to find. Your email requirement is unlikely on a shared hosting environment. Your dedicated IP addresses are unlikely for 5 to 20 dollars.

Unless you are looking at a good VPS, I don't see this as happening.

I could see this as being doable if your email requirements were not so large, and if your expectation of price was not so large either.

20 dollars a month should get you between 10 gigabytes of space and 14 gigabytes of space. But when you throw in that email requirement it becomes a much bigger issue.
Yeah it is..

Not all good reseller hosts have 24 online live chat support, sadly. You could have one with every you require, and it would cost $9999 a month. ;)

Just thought i'd mention it!
rider said:
You may look at valuhost.com. Their customer service knowm as one of the best. In any case as someone said you have to contact your future provider with tones of presales questions.
Saying like this I guess you are the client of Valuhost.com, aren't you? How long have you been using their service?
Good luck

Most hosts will not give you SSh for obvious security reasons. If you want that much control then you need to get a VPS or Dedicated Server
I would recommend Surpasshosting.com. I have a dedicated from them, and I receive excellent fast support. They also have nice affordable reseller plans, and on top of that all of their dedicateds are fully managed.
We could do something for you, but it really depends on how many sites you want to host etc. You might find some of your requests a bit out there. If you email us we could look at going something for you. We also provide Master Reseller Accounts so you can have your own sub resellers.

CHeers Guy -Hostone.co.nz
proweb2006 said:
Most hosts will not give you SSh for obvious security reasons. If you want that much control then you need to get a VPS or Dedicated Server

Those two sentences don't quite jive.

While it's true that most hosts will not give SSH access, it is not true that the OP will have to get a VPS or dedicated server. For that to be true, there would have to be no hosts that give out SSH access.

I respect the decision of those hosts who do not give out SSH access, but I do not share their fears. Many, many insidious things can be done to a server without SSH access so I don't see giving it out to be any more dangerous than a multitude of other things that can be done without it.

Having said that, we do lock SSH access down a bit. In order to get it, a customer has to send ID to our office, we jailshell them, remove access to compilers, etc.

But at the end of the day security involves monitoring your system regardless of what access your users have.

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