Looking for some help

I'm looking to open a new web hosting company as I was partnered with a friend with my last company the business went down as he failed to help with the bills. I have a template for the new company and I'm looking to see if there is a program that I can use to edit the template to what I want it to be instead of purchasing a sharred hosting to keep my cost down a bit?

Comment here or add me to skype: jared.martin26
Lots of questions! Congrats on the new project, but what's different this time around since it seems once again that you're footing the entire investment?
Well sure there are many programs available out there ...you didn't mention what template it is so I will gest it is HTML/JS/CSS ...if it is CMS template you will have to use IDE and set some dev enveroinment
If you are good with code than you can use anything from simple editors .. notepad++,sublime text..or IDE like netscape but I suppose you aren't otherwise you would know what tools to use...so I would suggest to go with some drag/drop editor with GUI..you can check bootstrap studio,simbla...or just google free drag/drop editor...
Now again if you have template for some CMS than you'll have to look for IDE ...codeanywhere offer cloud IDE ...there is free plan also....so.
It is very hard to suggest you anything without knowing your level of knowledge...what template it is...again I gues it is HTML/CSS but you probably know that just front end theme will not do the job...you will need something as backend .
Now you can sign up for codeanywhere free plan and you can run one VM ,it very eas to set dev. environment in few minutes....and you have everything you need...
Well sure there are many programs available out there ...you didn't mention what template it is so I will gest it is HTML/JS/CSS ...if it is CMS template you will have to use IDE and set some dev enveroinment
If you are good with code than you can use anything from simple editors .. notepad++,sublime text..or IDE like netscape but I suppose you aren't otherwise you would know what tools to use...so I would suggest to go with some drag/drop editor with GUI..you can check bootstrap studio,simbla...or just google free drag/drop editor...
Now again if you have template for some CMS than you'll have to look for IDE ...codeanywhere offer cloud IDE ...there is free plan also....so.
It is very hard to suggest you anything without knowing your level of knowledge...what template it is...again I gues it is HTML/CSS but you probably know that just front end theme will not do the job...you will need something as backend .
Now you can sign up for codeanywhere free plan and you can run one VM ,it very eas to set dev. environment in few minutes....and you have everything you need...

To correct myself I wanted to say Netbeans IDE..uh Netscape..is well at first Navigator/portal..than browser...I don't know how it came to my mind... I didn't see it for....years
if it's a html/css template you can do it via notepad . i like to use notepad++. it's unique and simple.
if you want a paid version you can go for adobe software like dreamviewer.

I'm aware of some of programs as in note pad++ sublime and a couple others, I was more in looking to see if there was some thing that was out there that better. The code that the template has is HTML/CSS, The template that I'm going to be using is something that I created a couple years ago.

So more or less was looking to see what is out there. To see if there was something better then the standred software that already there.

Thank's again guys for the info.
Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking but ever thought about using a wordpress template, it makes things easier to build / edit / etc
Notepad is always good, if its WordPress or something theres nothing stopping you using their functions too.

First of all, Congrats on the new project.

You can easily start a web hosting company using a template that have an admin interface. Editing your purchased template can easily be done by contacting a software development companies or hire some freelancers. Is this template that was provided by some companies? If so please let us know details of template so that we may provide more details.

Thank You,
Just start using reseller hosting with a template already created, that will save you money, time and control. hope that helps

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