Looking to move and work OnSite

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New member

I am looking for a company that is looking for someone to work for them onsite, for as many hours a day that they need me.

I am looking for a company that is willing to help move me wherever they are, help me get on my feet and allow me to pretty much slave for them so that I can make a living.

I have experience in:

  1. Linux Linspire, and many other linux flavors (Medium Level)
  2. Windows Systems – 3.1 all the way up to server 2000 (Does not include my general knowledge of the Windows XP system)
  3. General Programming Languages in general PHP, SQL, MySQL, XHTML, HTML, CSS, Visual Basic, Visual C++, JavaScript, VBscript, JAVA
  4. Graphics skills in Photoshop, and ImageReady. Advanced Levels
  5. Project Management and Team Management through B.P.A. (Business Professionals of America)
  6. Speech Skills, through B.P.A
  7. Have had A+ training, along with N+
  8. Very competitive job skills. Not only will work competitively to strive my maximum work effort, but to also please others around me. Will help others out with their jobs if help is need by someone. Very help, and fast worker.
  9. Discipline, and hard working employee

Linux – I have medium skills through Linux systems. Remote management with them very seldom. Although I am a quick learner and can be taught or teach myself work with a system if I have to. I’m what you would call a genuine nerd. I can sit down and learn how to do something in no time at all in comparison to other people in the same business or trying to perform that same job.

Windows – I probably shouldn’t even put this on here, because let’s face it Windows is pretty much the basis of the community that I come from. (I believe in my small town of 3,000 I am the only person who’s ever even looked at a Linux OS front. I’ve been dealing with Windows systems since the first day that I touched a computer 10 years ago. I guess it’s not too amazing nowadays with the way people are introducing their kids to such systems at an early age. I have been in networking contests for the past 4 years. I finished 1st at East Nationals, and 3rd at the main nationals competition 2 years in a row, and followed up with 4th place at Main national the following two years. First would’ve been better, and I strived to be the best, but it seemed the judges favor the same two schools every year.

Programming – I have been programming PHP, MySQL along with XHTML, CSS for the last 6 years. I would be just as cocky to say that I do have an Advanced skill level in those areas. An expert? Sure, if that’s what you call people with my talent level in those languages. Please note, the cockiness is not a boast that I’m better than anyone in that field as I’m not – there is no best PHP coder we all have our own styles, although I’m proficient in PHP and very proud of it. Visual Basic, is a language I picked up 3 years ago and just can’t let it go. There’s so many useful things that you can do with the language. I have developed everything from a forum posting machine (Some would call it a spambot, but I used it for my own testing purposes on my own server.) to a simple color grabber for the Windows API. Visual C++ is another language which I picked up that same year. Am I proficient? No, but can do pretty much anything that I want with the language. If you can code in PHP you can code in Visual C++ or C++ even. Javascript, well that just comes with the industry and you pick it up as you go. I’m not as advanced in the language as some, but can you use it for what I need to. VBscript is just another branch of visual basic. If you can use one, you can use the other. Java is something that I took a class on at the local college, although didn’t care to continue development learning on.

Graphics – Some people say that if you’re good in one language you’re general not talented in graphics designing. I take offense to that comment actually. When you learn to build your own programs, and your own websites you either do one thing or the other. Graphics, or plain CSS that is. In my case, I use both. I prefer to have some glossy graphics in order to make that extra professional look to the software. People don’t care about the prettiness of the code (Although mine is OO programming and is very clean), they generally care about how easy the HTML is to look through to use themselves. If it’s really pretty as the default, they will generally see it has potential and choose your program over others.

BPA – For four years I was apart of the Business Professionals of America. They taught my business morals, ethics, and skills. I had to manage multiple teams at District, Regional, State, and National Competitions for E-commerce, and Networking Competitions. (Anyone who has been to Nationals knows how hectic that is.) I’ve had to give well over 200 speeches to my local schools, and businesses, and was successfully able to do because the confidence and speech skills bestowed up on me by B.P.A.

A+ and N+ - Ok, so they ask. If you’ve had the training then why haven’t you been certified? Simple enough, I can’t and haven’t been able to afford to pay for my certificate testing. I have the most confidence in myself that not only would I take the test quickly, but I would breeze through the test in a manner that only someone who has been studying for it for over 5 years would do. Yes, I have been studying to pass the tests for many, many years. Although with bills and payments on such things I have yet to be able to save any money.

#’s 8 and 9 – I was in Army for the United States. Not only did the Army instill discipline, and work skills in me more than I had already had. They taught me to respect my peers, my surroundings, and my bosses. I learned to work long hard hours, and get little pay for it. (Sure the money was great, but not for the work problems.) I learned how to work hard and long with little sleep.

Please get back to me as I’m very serious about the post I made.
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