Mac Hosting...


Could anyone tell me the benefits of hosting on Mac?

I'm not really familiar with it...:confused:
Macintosh Hosting Benifits..

Its more for the Aministrator than anything....A Mac Admin typically knows the software, and the hardware....another reason, easy of use on the admin end, stability...Mac's have always been known for their stablility, product support...Apple has the best support for their products, FileMaker databases & lasso databases are Macintosh native.

See Mac's and there users are funny things....we love macs because they give us what we really need but then give us stuff we don't need but makes our experience better. Some people will tell you there are no advantages, but the main one I see....The Macintosh Admins love :love: there computer and the love working with them....would you feel safer with a admin that just worked with computers or someone who loved there computers.

Another reason...they don't crash as much!!

Dilbert said it best...

"Where do you want to go today?? TO A COMPUTER THAT WORKS, A MAC!!!"
The main problem with Macs back in the day (versus PC) was that they were incompatible...

How is that thing now? With Mac servers...?
The main problem with Macs back in the day (versus PC) was that they were incompatible...

How is that thing now? With Mac servers...?

That is no longer an issue, everything is compatable...I have customers running Linux, Windows 98-XP, FreeBSD, Mac, & BeOS.

So that problem just isn't a factor...and now there is virtual PC that lets you run Windows on Mac just like on A you can run windows apps on the Mac!!!!

Apple has been Making there system compatible for years but Bill Gates was causing the trouble...but now (as sad as it is) they are working more together!!:)

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