maxmind Fraud scoring?


New member
Just saw this in an order marked as fraud.
Distance from IP address to Address 500
If Country of IP address matches Address Yes
Country Code of the IP address DE
Whether e-mail is from free e-mail provider Yes
Whether IP address is Anonymous Proxy No
Old Fraud Risk Score
Likelihood of IP Address being an Open Proxy 0.00
New Risk Score Rating 61.43%
Estimated City of the IP address
Estimated State/Region of the IP address
Estimated Latitude of the IP address
Estimated Longitude of the IP address
ISP of the IP address htp GmbH
Organization of the IP address htp GmbH
Customer Phone in Billing Location
IP address or billing address in high risk country No
Whether billing city and state match zipcode
Whether e-mail is in database of high risk e-mails No

Why did maxmind give it a score of 61.43%? Everything seems in order...
For any reason MaxMind gives high score to orders which do not come from an IP address located close to the billing address of the credit card. Even WHMCS themselves consider this as a high fraud risk! When the users uses email address with any free email server (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.), this is considered as additional risk.

The order you got might or might not be a fraudulent one. You need to call the one who has submitted it! It is also a good idea to ask customers to sign purchase orders. Some merchant providers want to see the customer's signature on a some kind of payment authorization documents.
For any reason MaxMind gives high score to orders which do not come from an IP address located close to the billing address of the credit card. Even WHMCS themselves consider this as a high fraud risk! When the users uses email address with any free email server (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.), this is considered as additional risk.

Nailed it on the head. Using free email addresses is normally a big red light, but again this depends on what service your selling (web hosting, vps, servers, etc) and who your target audience is.
I don't think Distance from IP address to Address accounts for such a high risk score. There are other factors behind the curtain. For example, the email address was used in another high risk order making this one high risk.
yes and even what free email account used makes a difference as each one has its own risk score.

if they used a hotmail address this would give a higher score than a gmail address.
Sometimes maxmind block order even If customer did not use proxy,etc but 500 distance is really big distance.

If your customer use mobile internet then its a normal(some mobile ISP use proxy,etc..)
Maxmind is far from perfect, but I would say it does prevent a fair amount of fraud. I don't think anyone can really argue that it is not worth it : P