More Name Server Issues


New member
I have just set up a reseller account and registered my main domain name servers.
ns1 - IP #1
ns2 - IP #2

This was done on Monday Dec 06, 10.
Here is the strange thing. All my .com sites seem to have propagated to the new IP. ( I'm moving them from a previous service )
I have a .info site that I removed from the original server and it still can not find the site.
When I ping it, there is no host for it.
The name servers for the site are set as all the .com,s:

Now here is the stranger part. When I ping my it is still pointing to the old server.
When I ping, it points to the new IP. I know this because I change some wording on the site to make sure I'm at the new one.

If the new name servers I set up haven't propagated or whatever they have to do, how am I getting to the new server?
I also seem to have the same problem with the .ca's as with the .info above.

Hopefully some of this makes some kind of sense. ;)
Did you check the DNS entries on your server to make sure that that "A Records" for your ns1 & ns2 are pointing to the new IP numbers. Not only do you have to register the new IPs with the domain registrar, but you also have to modify your DNS settings on the actual machine too (and remember to restart DNS services too).

The issue would only exist with different TLDs. So any .COM would be going directly to your registrar and looking up the IP numbers through there, but if you're using an other extensions (.net, .ca etc) then they go to the domain name to look up the A Record, and then point to that Ip number (the previously registered/wrong IP).

Give that a shot.
Thanks for the reply.
OK, since I am on a reseller account the only thing I see in basic WHM setup is the name servers with no A records or ability to change them.

Now, in my cPanel account for, I see the A Records and ns2. . . pointing to the old IP addy.

Should I create 2 NEW records and just delete the old ones??
yes, you'd delete the old ones and create the new ones.

I see you said that it was now working, was that after you deleted them?

Yes, I deleted the .info from the old server and for a day or so it wasn't showing. Everything's fine now.

I updated my A records to the new IP's and now when I ping it's pointing to the proper server.

I can now have a stress free holiday ;)

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