Moving a new client to my server


New member
OK, here is the deal, I am trying to move a new client to my server. He is using cPanel on the old, and I am on the new.

In an effort to help him move, he gave me access to his WHM, therefore I could log into accounts through his current reseller interface and I could do a remote ftp backup.

Thing is, my authentication always fails, but I know it is right, and in the area where it shows the IP adress, it is not mine???? Not sure why this is.

Any ideas? Really want to get this done for my new client.

If you need help, you can message me on AIM @ WireNine Support I would be happy to take a look at it for you or help you with it if I possibly can.
If authentication fales you will have to do a manual move via ssh. If your able to see the cpmove files then your on the right track. If your not able to see these files make sure to ask the current provider for help as this might be the only thing to do since you don't have root for their server.
I am not sure how this got active again, perhaps because I never put the "I Solved It" message.

I was attempting to do the Remote FTP to the Root account rather than to an account on the server. That was my bad!

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