my account got suspended in

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New member
Today my account got suspended in I asked them why ?
they replied :
"Your site had a php script sending email that was overloading the server. We have reactivated the account and will continue to monitor the situation. Please make sure your scripts are not using an excessive amount of memory or sending out excessive amounts of email."
Then they said that I'm sending more than 200 outgoing emails per hour.

What should I do?
my website is a free dating website , maybe the notification mail that user receive when he gets message on the site is the problem?
do you think should I stop notification email?
or what?
You will either have to stop the script or find a host that allows you to send the volume of email you need to send.
If its a dating site, stopping the notification emails would be a detriment to the site. If you are otherwise happy with your host you can see if they have a plan that allows the type of volume you will be doing. Otherwise time to find a new host.
Although I have no experiance with that host, the feedback that I have seen from others would lead me to believe you would be better off looking for a new host.
I don't think you guys are looking at this correctly.

If a user is causing problems for a server that is effecting other users - would you not look into solving the problem?

I honestly believe Ace-Host was correct in suspending the account. In fact, even the OP said,
Your site had a php script sending email that was overloading the server. We have reactivated the account and will continue to monitor the situation. Please make sure your scripts are not using an excessive amount of memory or sending out excessive amounts of email.
So his site was turned back on, but they also said that they are going to monitor the situation, and requested that s/he fine tune his/her scripts.

If your script is that busy sending E-mails, perhaps you should look into both fine tuning, and charging a $1 or two for monthly membership to help cover the costs of a dedicated server.

What's basically going on is AceHost is letting you drive their car - but you've hit three people, a cat, and a stop sign in the process. Of course they're going to ask you to get out, take driver's ed, and then come back.
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