Names in spam...

Anyone noticed that spam emails sometimes have names who the emails are addressed to at the top?
Most spams I get now have a name, for example:

Hello Enrique,

We are sure you are in need of some enhancement pills...


Hello Jessica,

Have you ever wondered what...

Just for example ;)
But wouldn't the spam be more effective without names, then people might read on instead of seeing the name and noticing it isn't addressed to them, or maybe it is a technique of getting people to read on because they know it isn't meant for them?

I don't even read spam anymore, just notice it sometimes when I select the email to delete it from my inbox.
I get a lot of this too, but I don't have a clue what they have names in the emails for..
I just do multiple selection in outlook express and delete all spam emails, you can normally tell just from the subject, even if it looks like a real email, so many have the same subject that I just know they are spam.

It's very annoying as I am sure I have deleted some real emails when I was deleting the spam, but there is too much to go through each one and I don't have the time.


P.S. You didn't close the tag ;)
If you do have spam, try keep some and when you have some free time, report it to Spamcop

If everyone deletes it and no spam is reported, it isn't going to bring down the number of emails you delete everyday ;)

You might not think it but reporting spam can be very effective sometimes.
New laws will hopefully be coming in so more action can be taken against spammers, long overdue in my opinion.
Found something VERY useful, looks like it should work too:

Enter your email below to convert it into html browser code.
This makes it hard for spam bots to read your email address.
Help's you reduce the amount of spam in your mailbox. Anti-Spam

It creates some HTML code, which you can post in forums also (Those that allow you to post HTML anyway) so it wil be very useful.
I am using SPAMcop for one of my email accounts. All email is being forwarded to SPAMcop and they filter the crap out. That account / domain receives almost 10,000 SPAM emails a month.

I hate :gun: spammers.:gun:
