Need 500MB space and 200GB bandwidth...


New member
I'm currently fed up with my hosting service I have now. I'm paying $13 a month for 2GB of space (though I don't need it all) and 200GB of bandwidth. I'm mainly using it to host a couple of files and a very small personal web site. I'm looking for something with around 500MB of space and 200GB of bandwidth for $20 or less. Any takers? Thanks. :)
Listen. Let me give you some help on this.

One: a small personally site would never in a hundred years use 200GB of bandwidth
Two: 200GB of bandwitdh is worth more than $20 a month
Three: If someone does give you 200GB of bandwidth for $13monthly then they are overselling and you end up with crappy hosting and get fed up with them and decide to leave(sort of what is happeneing now)

MOD NOTE: Post edited. Offer not matched. Please consult the hosting requests rules.
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MOD NOTE: Post edited. Offer not matched. Please consult the hosting requests rules.
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More details...

Sorry for not being more detailed in my first post. I do need that 200GB of bandwidth despite what most of you are saying and I can't pay more than $20 a month, maybe $25 a month but that's pushing it, despite what a couple of you are offering.

Right now I'm hosting a few files for the webmaster/creator of and they are downloaded often, thus the need for 200GB of bandwidth. As of now, around 50GB of bandwidth has already been used in 15 days, and I know it will get larger as the file/project grows and more people find out about it. I may be OK with 150GB of bandwidth for now, but I wanted 200GB to be really safe.

As for my tiny personal site, that will maybe generate 1GB per month and that's REALLY pushing it as I don't really expect many people to visit it, and right now, it's only one page! I just mainly need a new service for the file hosting for the other site. I've tried looking at pure file hosting sites, but they are much too expensive, so I've come to find cheaper web hosting places.

So, agian, if someone can help, please let me know. I know what I need and this is what I want so please do not go and give me reasons why I don't need this. I will gladly take someone else's service elsewhere and give THEM my money if no one wants to help me here (not trying to be rude, but everyone seems to underestimate the knowledge of every user they see---like me, even though I am an IT professional). Thanks again. :)
What all of you people need to do is take a look at the forum rules.

It is not for you to determine what the thread starter needs, it's up to you to make offers within the range he is looking or not make any offers at all.

It is also not your job to question someone's offer regardless of whether or not it matches offers on their site. That is between the host and the client.
See here for more information.
I will gladly take someone else's service elsewhere and give THEM my money if no one wants to help me here (not trying to be rude, but everyone seems to underestimate the knowledge of every user they see---like me, even though I am an IT professional).
With all due respect, 10cents/GB of data traffic is not a fair price. Take a look at the price of a dedicated server, add the costs of maintaining the server and supporting the clients and you'll see for yourself that what you're asking for is not feasible for a host.

Some hosts will offer what you're asking for but they do so by overselling - meaning they hope you'll not use as much as you're asking for.

Good luck in your search though!
Fair enough, Artashes - my offer didn't meet the exact specifications of the original post. Thanks for the clarification.
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Revise Media, the posts were not edited by Blue. Also, what had to be said remained: see alexb's first reply.
Hmm, what now? I don't know what you're talking about :D

Anyways, that was my mistake, I didn't notice that alexb's post was still in tact.

ldcdc said:
Revise Media, the posts were not edited by Blue. Also, what had to be said remained: see alexb's first reply.
Revise Media said:
Hmm, what now? I don't know what you're talking about :D

Anyways, that was my mistake, I didn't notice that alexb's post was still in tact.

Not really. The offers were edited.

I cant go cheaper than $0.50/GB bandwidth without overselling. Which i dont ever do. Overselling is wrong.
I cant go cheaper than $0.50/GB bandwidth without overselling. Which i dont ever do. Overselling is wrong.
Then abide by your principles. You can't offer everything for everybody. This client was not in your target market. ;)
Adepthost, that offer sounds really good. Though, to clarify even more, I'm still kind of new at web hosting and whatnot and through my researching this past week, I've looked heavily into shared hosting as that's where I found the most for the cheapest (so yes I know I can get what I want for that price). I don't need a dedicated server or even support for a control panel, perl, cgi, php, mysgl, etc. I'm mainly looking for a place to host a few files that will be downloaded often. My tiny personal website that I wanted on the side can be lived without so if I can just get a good deal without most of the 'standard' features, then I'll take it. I mainly just need to be able to have FTP support and stats and possibly email. If there's more offered, then great, maybe I'll use it in the future. So if this helps anyone to give a better deal, then please let me know.

I've also looked heavily into just plain file hosting services, but they are usually way more expensive that regular web hosting services, so that's why I'm here.

As for you adepthost, I'll be emailing you about the possibility of your deal. Thanks all. :)
LittlBUGer said:
not trying to be rude, but everyone seems to underestimate the knowledge of every user they see---like me, even though I am an IT professional.
LittlBUGer said:
I'm still kind of new at web hosting and whatnot
So that was not really an underestimation now, was it? Which is why, LittlBUGer, you've been getting such advice from us.

On a bright side, I'm glad you found the company who can provide you with the quote you wanted and I wish you luck with it.

What I meant with the IT professional is I have overall knowledge of what I'm talking about, actually, pretty good knowledge. It's just the area of hosting I don't know a lot about. I mainly do tech support and administration, not web hosting services, that's all.

And as for finding a service, nothing is set in stone... I haven't found one yet... :)

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