Need a reliable host who can...

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I'm in the process of getting a merchant account with and have been told that VISA and MasterCard have recently implemented a new security program. As a result a security scan MUST be done on every site wishing to get a new merchant account.

My current host has refused to make the necessary changes that the scan showed were needed. According to there are lots of shared hosts that have passed the scans with no problems.

I'm looking for a reliable host who preferrably has experience with this new certification process.

I've read a little into this - the changes could be implemented on our server so that this scan could be done. What are you needing along the lines of storage/monthly transfer? Are you going to require more than one static IP?

kpsservices - Do you have experience with the certification process? Would you be able to provide Jennifer what she needs?
kpsservices said:
you should check out our plans and prices and see how they are righly suited for your needs.

Did you even read the post?
This request isn't about space and bandwidth so how do you know if your plans are "righly suited" for her needs?
Hey Jennifer,

From what I understand, Beanstream has a secure webspace which shoppers are directed to. They use SSL certificates assigned by Verisign. I'm quite certain this should work with almost any shared hosting account but I could be wrong. I'll get in contact with the support team at Beanstream to find out what exactly is required in order to run the script. Based on what I've read in the FAQ, you don't need an SSL server unless you use the Process Transaction method in which case a SSL server is required.

If you'd like to get in touch with me, drop me an email at and I'll look further into this for you.

Good luck!
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