Need small package, to send un-solicited email (not big scale, i'll explain...)

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I'm looking for someone to supply a basic CPanel package, about 15mb space, and 300mb Bandwidth or something (can be more).

Need at least 1 MySQL database and PHP support is a must (can be more).

The catch, I will use it to send un-solicited email. I won't be sending alot, and I wont be doing it every day.

I am not selling something, I have simply "harvested" email addresses from serveral chain letters, these are mainly people in my target audience youngsters from 12 to 20 years of age.

I will be sending notification of a new project I am starting a portal for teens.

I will have no more than 500 email addresses on the mailing list, and I will provide a genuine un-subscribe link on every outgoing email.

I want to pay yearly, I want at least a basic established host (Been going for 1 year or so) by PayPal. Don't really want to spend too much on this as I will barley use it.

If you can help contact me via email...

info [ at ]

or simply post your offers on here.
Try looking at off-shore hosts as they are not governed by spam laws "yet"... You should really look into doing this the right way and buy a mailing list.
Yeah well, sht happens

Great attitude...
Your not going to find anyone wanting to help someone who is being like that to other members and looking to spam others (which everyone hates already)

Here are a few options for you:

CI Host
Mc Host
1 & 1

Im sure they would be more than happy to help you :)
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