Need Some Help on HOsting

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New member
Im looking for PHP webhosting with CPANEL - I would like to host 200 websites and this could be VPS or Reseller but i would like to have a feature such as

1. CPANEL / WHM(web host manager) since i want to host like 200 sites
2. large amount of web space min 15GB or more
3. 300GB Data Transfer/month
4. i can buy cheap Different C IP CLASS for each domain or at least 4 domain in 1 C IP Class
5. Budget i willing to spend/month $65 - $89
6. Stable WebHosting interms of connection, up time and speed

Need Some Advice which one is good

Thank You in advance
Zoey Cheng
Can you please clarify your needs in terms of IP addresses. I don't quite understand.

You are looking for a class C IP block?
If so, is that price to be included in your $65-$89 request?

Have you ever thought about purchasing a cheap dedicated server?

Many hosts will not be able to provide the IP's if I am reading correctly. If you could explain the IP's better it would probably help. On the other hand, this is what I have for you so far.

We can hosts you on a Reseller Account.

Space 17 GB
Bandwidth 350 GB
Unmetered features
Equinix Datacenter

Price: $85.00/month

On the other hand, we could offer you a dedicated server if you would like to go that way. It would include cPanel/WHM, 300 GB of Bandwidth, 80 GIG hard drive Celeron 2.8 GHZ, with 512 MB of Ram. The reason why I suggest this is 1) you can grow, and 2) if you go on someones shared/reseller server with 200 domains your going to bog it down.

The price on the dedicated server is going to be $100.00/month + a one-time set up fee of $50.00.

Site Url:
Company Profile:
Support Center:

If you have any questions I am available on AIM: BHNSales, MSN: or via e-mail zach.mcclung (@)
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MOD NOTE: Post edited. One offer was not matching the request. Please consult the Hosting Request rules posted in a sticky prior to posting.

We are would recommend you to go for VPS as you are going to host huge number of site and resources. Please consider our VPS as below. With

30GB Space
300GB Bandwidth
Min CPU 600Mhz / 2 X 2.8 (Dual Xeon)
Min 256MB RAM / Max 6GB
2 IP Address
Root Access
CentOS + Cpanel/WHM + Fantastico
Setup : $10.00
Price : $60.00 / mth

Detail :

For Class IP, as others said, please clarify your reason and usage.
* 30GB DiskSpace
* 300GB Bandwidth
* cPanel 10.2.0 [Latest]
* Fantastico Deluxe 2.8 [Latest]
* Unlimited MySQL Databases
* Unlimited FTP Accounts
* Unlimited E-mail Accounts
* Unlimited E-mail Forwarders
* Unlimited E-mail Aliases
* Unlimited Subdomains
* Unlimited Addon Domains
* Unlimited Parked Domains
* PHP Support
* CGI Support
* PERL Support
* JAVA Support
* E-Mail, Helpdesk and Forum Support services
* Special 3 Hours Response Ticket Support
* 16$ Gold Membership
* 30$ Membership

* 99.8% Uptime Guaranteed!
* >>> msn support

Cost = 45$ a month
Payments Through Paypal / Moneybookers
Pm me for details
Special Offer ;-)

Hi zoey,

PremiumReseller can offer you the following package:

Premium Hosting Solutions

# Special Reseller
Disk Space: 40 GB
Monthly Transfer: 400 GB
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited MySql Databases
Unlimited Features

To test speed and uptime, please visit our website

If you have any questions, please send an email to sales

Thank you.
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