Need some help.

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Normally such issues will be related to dns. I have seen many cases where in server domain will be assigned to one ip and in nameserver / registrar the domain will be pointed to another ip in the server causing a mismatch and ending up in default page.

Can you please check and confirm if this is not the case. If you can get me the correct domain I can tell things in more detail
Normally such issues will be related to dns.
This is usually the case, yes.

Specifically, if you just gave the client a dedicated IP address, or changed their IP. For a period of time, the world will see your client's site as the old ip address... This is why I tend to warn clients not to do this.
it is just a DNS propagation page.

If you change domain, IPs, server or anything that will involve a DNS change then you will get this page until it resolves.

DNS can take upto 72 hrs to resolve fully
It is an issue of linking between your IP and domain. If the issue is not resolved yet then do this:

Check Nameservers.
Check IP address for each of the nameserver.
Enter the correct IP or nameserver if misisng or incorrrect found in these fields.

If this does not fix the issue, then go to your domain reseller and update your nameservers and IP in the given forms.

I hope that this will resolve your issue.
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For some reason I can not figure this one of my clients webhosting is showing on the webpage

Now we just changed the primary doamin and this is what happen.

any tips walks through to fix this issue would be awesome.

Its nothing but the DNS (nameserver) resolution/propagation issue , try to clear the cache from local machine browser or try to browse website from other local machine after few hours and if still face issue then check domain name entry in httpd.conf file and correct it.
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