Need Windows Reseller Accounts


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Hello all

I want start my hosting business , but my budget is low i can’t afford dedicated server right now & i can pay by, i did try to find web host on search engines but not got any luck can any one help me to find a cheat reseller plan on reliable host , yes i did find a host they charge $4.95 /month ($49.50/year) plans can find here, there plans was good but they are not accepting payment from & I don’t know about reputation of this company I just got URL from search engine,

I need windows hosting , Multiple Domain Hosting

Please help me to find cheat reseller plan on reliable host

I am totally Confused :confused:
Please help me to find cheat reseller plan on reliable host
I'm afraid 'cheap reseller plan' shouldn't be in the same sentence as 'reliable host'.

If you're going to start a hosting company, don't you want to put your clients first and find a well respected business? Even if that means spending a few more dollars per month?
webfreak08 said:
I'm afraid 'cheap reseller plan' shouldn't be in the same sentence as 'reliable host'.

If you're going to start a hosting company, don't you want to put your clients first and find a well respected business? Even if that means spending a few more dollars per month?

Wrong, cheap does not allways mean cheap is crap. It's pretty funny how people judge hosts that sale services that are really cheap everyone gets the impression their a crap host which is not true at all.

So what he's saying, you pay $99 for a 1 gb disk space and 5 gb bandwidth plan your getting good serivce... no vise versa some times if you pay too much you usally get a crapier service. I know a handful of hosts that offer cheap and have been a good reliable hosting company, I can even voutch for the company I work for, they have been selling since 2004 and as far as I can see are doing a damn well good job on it
Frimon86 said:
Wrong, cheap does not allways mean cheap is crap. It's pretty funny how people judge hosts that sale services that are really cheap everyone gets the impression their a crap host which is not true at all.
"Crap" is not what he said. He said that cheap hosts = UNRELIABLE hosts, which is true. A host with minimal profit margins - where does it earn enough money to invest back in technology, infrastructure and support services? Most of these hosting companies are out there just for a limited amoung of time so they can pocket some cash NOW as they are not focusing on long-term growth and prosperity. So where does the reliable part come in?
So what he's saying, you pay $99 for a 1 gb disk space and 5 gb bandwidth plan your getting good serivce...
First of all, I never said that you're going to get good service when you pay a lot. Of course there are companies that charge a lot, but fail to provide the expected service to the customer.

If a web host is a major overseller, then it's unlikely that when rahul's clients each reach their maximum (CPU, disk space, data transfer, memory, etc) that the host will be able to continue to provide the service.
I've heard pretty bad things about and have some personal experiences with them as well (although in a different respect). I would consider spendin just 1 o 2 dollars more for another account elsewhere!

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thanx for Advise

ldcdc said:
If you know how to use a search engine, you surely can find a lot of feedback about them.

thanx for Advise, Yes I know how to use search engine, & I have got some feedback but that is not very clear to me , I have got both types of feed backs negative and positive,
Read JUST number 5 in this list. Would you want your business associated with that meaning?

Now read meanings 4, 6, and 7. Still want to be associated with that word?
rahul_dev said:
thanx for Advise, Yes I know how to use search engine, & I have got some feedback but that is not very clear to me , I have got both types of feed backs negative and positive,
Sorry if I sounded a bit presumptuous. I forgot to put a ;) at the end of my sentence.

In any case, there's loads of feedback on that host, and a lot of it it can be found using search engines, hosting forums and hosting directories that collect reviews.
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