[NEEDED] Live Chat Operators

Dream Web Host

New member

We are in need of a Live Chat Operator to operate the live chat for 4 hour shifts. We need the live chat to be 24hrs, therefore we have 6 positions to fill.

Please send your resume and the 4 hours you can do to rob.jones@dreamwebhost.net. You can contact me on MSN Messenger as well, robjones2005@blueyonder.co.uk

Payment will be our Extra plan for the time that you are working with us. We do not get a lot of people contact us via Live Chat therefore the payment isn't much. Should the traffic on Live Chat increase to a significant level, further hosting and/or money payment will be provided.


Rob Jones
No offense but essentially what you are offering here is $10/month for someone to work for you.
What kind of quality are you expecting to get for that amount?
Never the less, in a 4 hour shift a person would be required to monitor the chat software the entire time.
I have to agree with Blue here, but I certainly wish you well in finding someone for this spot.

If I may, I'd also like to suggest keeping a close eye on the person you hire to do this. You may end up with a "kid" who just wants the free hosting, and may not do the job expected of them.
I can also imagine an unscrupulous host getting this job just to steal your customers...

With a low payment you need to be really careful, as the person you hire might have all kinds of unknown reasons to apply for the job, besides the promised compensation.

Best of luck!
Not all hosting companies are that way

I'm sorry, but I'd have to say that any "host" that offers to do live support for your hosting company, for payment in hosting, is not there for the payment. They're there to take your customers.

I simply wouldn't trust that.
ANMMark said:
I'm sorry, but I'd have to say that any "host" that offers to do live support for your hosting company, for payment in hosting, is not there for the payment. They're there to take your customers.

I simply wouldn't trust that.
I agree. If I were you Dream Web Host I'd try to either find someone local or budget expenses for actual employee payment.
There are billions of teens out there willing to work for 3.00$ an hour who would love to do this job. It would involve a little search in your comminity, and I am sure you can find atleast 10 people who have required skills and would work for little or nothing.

MisDub said:
There are billions of teens out there willing to work for 3.00$ an hour who would love to do this job. It would involve a little search in your comminity, and I am sure you can find atleast 10 people who have required skills and would work for little or nothing.

Wouldn't it be illegal to not pay them at least minimum wage?
True, but if they volunteer, that would mean NO PAYMENT, but if they are under employment, it's against the law not to pay minimum wage.
True, but if they volunteer, that would mean NO PAYMENT

Which is basically what the OP is offering...no payment. He's offering hosting in exchange. They could consider the free hosting a benefit rather than payment, and still consider the operator as a volunteer.