New help desk is launched


Staff member
Hello all,

This has been on the list for a while, but the search for a help desk solution has not been easy. There is such a great number of products out there that selecting something that is both easy and fun for everyone to use takes time.

While we used to have help desk at HostingDiscussion before, the key developer of that software quit the company, so there were no further updates and support available.

As the time passed, the volume of private messages received by our members of staff did not decrease. A lot of the questions and requests being asked are of similar kind, so in order to bring back better efficiency and hopefully build an expanded knowledge base for common issues, should any of you have any questions or requests, please address them through HostingDiscussion help desk, located at:

The help desk is easily accessible via the "Help" link in the top navigation menu or "Contact Us" link in the footer of our website.

Thank you!