New Homepage: Please Review

I think that this website could use some work.

- For the Linux VPS, Windows VPS and Dedicated Server pages, you basically ripped the content from BurstNET/NOCSTER. You should redesign the content, so it's not so easily spotted.

- There's really no "design" to the website. It's just three separate boxes on a page with a blue gradient background. I think there could be either 1) something more to this website that makes it unique or 2) a minimalist design with just a logo, some text and navigation.

- I notice the header navigation is a big black box with table-esque navigation. It could use something more to make it stand out.

Other than the above, I don't really find much else to review until you create a well thoughtout design. You can use some of the elements you currently have, but I think it's going to take a significant investment of time on your part to make it work.
I'm with webfreak on this. Needs a little extra attention.

The blue banner at the top of the page is a different color blue than everything else on the page. What's with the gradually glaring neon greeen/yellow as I scroll down the page. Gives me a headache - so I'd advise against that too.

Top navigation is separated (along with the bottom) and doesn't blend into a single design. It just seems to be a few different sections slapped together on a page and hoping that it works. Need a few more hours of work on this one.
First impressions to me scream secondary school and Dreamweaver; this is both due to the navigation and the layout they simply look thrown together, the banner doesn't tie to the content/navigation or background. The twitter/live support bar seems to be located as it is for little purpose other than to fill space and attempt to but the banner and content together.

The use of images and text is terrible mainly due to the lack and size of the text and the colossal size of the images it seems to be an attempt to fill or bulk out the pages. There seems to be a loose colour scheme however the site could as well be made out of a table due to its layout so again the student/Dreamweaver just screams out.

A personal niggle that whmcs isn't styled as the site to keep uniformity though that may be a good thing based on the current layout. Essentially you need to think of the site as the face of your company it is your image and how you communicate to the user... if your site gives the above impression then the users won't be going away with happy thoughts.

And id agree with the above, As I said to swan directly before posting/emailing the above I think in such cases as design being blunt in the only way to approach things as the above is a tad aggressive in that sense however hopefully it will allow you to make the correct changes without putting you off further design work.
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A friend helped me out with a template design. I think I shall work on 3.0 tomorrow. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. :)
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