New provisioning module and new tax features in HostBill!


This week in HostBill release we've launched new provisioning module: Mumble and introduced new feature to our taxing system.

Mumble module

Mumble is a free, open source, low latency, high quality voice chat application, primarily intended for gamers. HostBill integration with Mumble was created to enable to sell Mumble voice servers. Thanks to HostBill flexible product configuration and billing options you can charge per server specific configuration variables.

In HostBill voice servers are created automatically and the whole account lifecycle is also automated. In client area customers can view their server details, browse server logs, add and remove users and control server channels. The same functionalities are available to admin in admin panel. Additionally, admins can control access to client area and it’s functionalities, control account lifecycle and manage billing information.

Find out more at

Tax per product feature

As a comprehensive billing solution, HostBill offers a wide range of multiple and complex tax configuration options to comply with various legal requirements. Advanced tax features in HostBill allow you to set multiple tax levels and rates, add additional taxes for late invoices, calculate negative tax or control whether tax should be calculated before or after credit is applied. You can also choose if the tax should be inclusive, where the prices displayed are gross prices, or exclusive, with the prices that you set in system are net prices. HostBill enables to define multiple tax rules to comply with the country-specific tax rules. You can also easily save the time and hassle by using one of our presets – tax rules by country.

Now our tax system got even more powerful as we've enabled to set the tax rate per item, regardless of the localization!
This gives plenty of new opportunities, especially when you have multiple products and services in your portfolio that need to have different tax rates applied, as it may be the case in some of the European Union countries.


About HostBill:
HostBill is a powerful and flexible, all-in-one automation, billing, client management and support platform for online businesses. HostBill handles all aspects of running a successful online business, from client acquisition, through invoicing and payment collection, automated service provisioning and management, to customer service and support. Extensive range of advanced features, multitude of modules and apps and integration with various control panels, domain registrars, payment gateways, order pages, client panels and more, make it the most comprehensive solution on the market for Hosting, Cloud/IaaS/VPS Solutions Providers, Domain name and SSL Resellers around the globe to automate and manage their online businesses.

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