[Now Hiring] Dedicated Servers Colocation Sales Staff / 2 Positions Open


New member
We are looking for 2 dedicated and colocation sales representatives.

Job Description:
* Respond to and close sales requests using the following: live chat, emails, tickets, phone, forums
* Maintain high quality, efficient, and timely responses
* Help consistently achieve targeted sales quota

* Must be 18 years of age or older (Photo ID required)
* Must be highly dependable and work well unsupervised
* Excellent written English-language skills (including proper spelling & grammar)
* Good knowledge of dedicated servers and colocation
* Be self-motivated and activity/performance driven
* High school graduate

Other Information:
* Pay is negotiable
* Work remote from your location/home, people from all regions of the world are welcome to apply

How to apply:
Please send the following information to kyoung [ AT ] northstorm.net.
* contact details email, name, age, location, phone number
* cover letter and resume
* references with email and or phone contacts
* your days and hours of availability, include time zone

We will not respond to outsourcing companies so please DO NOT contact us.