Offshore from USA hosting legal implications


New member

We are a company established in USA. There is a website that has copied our format and business model, but is hosted in central america.

We are exploring legal action. Does anyone know what leverage a US company might have in this situation? Would appreciate any feedback or leads to someone that might know.

best, Paul.
Would need to know more information about exactly what they've copied. Format and business model is too vague.
you also need to ignore where the website is from.

It is the location of the actual server, but now you will find lawyers that deal with international issues and you may find USA law firms with offices in Central America
The first step is to contact their data center, simply found out the IP of the server (on which website is hosted) and then do an whois search for that IP, and you will get an contact email address, simply mail them with proof, and request to take down that specific website, if it does not work then you can go for more expensive options and can see about any law firm, but mostly it will work for you ..
Paul, your best course of action is to send a C&D letter to them and any upstream provider.

I am not sure what the size of your organization is and if you have enough funds to get involved in the legal battle, but I'd try to minimize legal costs if you could.

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