Oh no - I think I have Domain Name Syndrome


New member
Yes, it appears I have DNS. :(

I was just browsing through the 86 domains I have registered at Namecheap. And I realized that 35 of them are unusued, undeveloped, and purchased on impulse. That's a staggering 41%.

That's over $310 a year that could otherwise have gone to more important things like T-bone steaks for the barbie, better haircuts and weekend trips to Montreal.

I can't help myself, though. I think of a domain name, I search for availability, and I must have it.

I need help. Clearly I'm out of control. Any support groups out there? :(

I guess I have it too ... but not on the scale you have. :)

I have 12 domain names ... 2 I am actually using ... one I got knackered into paying for a friend to use ... the rest are just basically "sitting there".

So ... whats that .... 75% pretty much unused and 100% of those not ever likely to be. And yet I keep paying for them year after year ... because I don't want to give them up. Yet.

I think I will cut those ones loose on next renewal date. I can't afford that kind of "luxury" on my disability pension :) After all ... each renewal could me a pizza delivered (almost) hahahahaha :) We just have to get our priorities straight ... pizza delivered (no supper to cook), or a domain name I don't need. PIZZA WINS !!!!! :)
Sometimes, though, there's a pearl in there that ends up suprising you. I had a 3 character .net domain that I had purchased to use as a "generic" domain when producing my tutorials. About 6 months ago, a guy from a Mercedes car club in Australia emailed me looking to buy it, primarily because the letter-number-number in the domain matched a particular Mercedes model. Ended up selling it to him for $650. :eek:

I only have 4 domains, and only 1 that I no longer use. It's the one that's the most valuable in itself, which is probably why I don't feel like getting rid of it. $9 per year isn't anywhere close to a fortune anyway.

Ended up selling it to him for $650.
Congratulations! :)
I'm in the same boat as you Vito.
I have a ton of domains that have "great potential" if I develop them.
The problem is I never seem to come up with the time to do the developing.
Well ... I think my unused domain names are GREAT. Trouble is nobody else does :)

vito said:
Ended up selling it to him for $650. :eek:

Congrats Vito ... way to go.

I wish someone like that would contact me about some of my unused domain names :)
Good suggestion ... thanks. Idiot that I am ... I don't think I noticed that forum before. :)

I own about 4 domains at the moment, I've never renewed any of my domains, I got into websites and domains just a little over a year ago, and since than, ive had two domains expire, that I no longer needed, and now I only currently hold 1 important domain that I will be needing to renew pretty soon actually, So I think im doing pretty good compared to everyone else!
pmhoran said:
Good suggestion ... thanks. Idiot that I am ... I don't think I noticed that forum before. :)


A sort of PS (postscript) ....

I took your advice WebFreak. For anyone interested ... the available domains are listed [in the Domain For Sale forum] ....

Thanks again WebFreak ...


MOD NOTE: Edited for a promo link.
Hah, Vito, you are funny! A Domain Name Syndrome... :D

Nothing would set me apart from all you "sick" people. I am sitting on 82 domains, the majority of which are not in use. However, a lot serve as protection shield for currently existing sites. For example, HostingDiscussion.com has about 8 protective domains that forward incoming traffic to this site. You run 4-5 sites, and then domains grow like mushrooms.

That is apart from some cool domains in my collection that I just sit on and have no time to develop into quality resources.

The ongoing issue of time... where did it all go? :dknow:

dns disease

Vito - I am with you on that. I have between 350 and 400 domain names and maybe 300 websites. That sill leaves 50+ unused names.

It is a disease. It truely is. You think of an idea, come up with a great name, that takes hours. You buy it and then you do not have time to build the site or do the programing.

But like a kid with a new toy, you do not want to give it up. NO NO NO! Don't let than name go! I plan on building a website with that name. And I have been for the 5 years since I bought it.

I try to put something on every name but with 300 sites to mange its hard to figure out what is in use and what isn't. sometimes I update an http conf file and loose 10 websites by accident. It's too much and yet, I keep thinking up new names and buying more.

Making the decision to let a domain expire is like one of the biggest decisions you have to make. It's painful and after it expires you have to check and see if anyone has purchased it and buily something on it.

Sound familiar?
300 sites! Wow!
So if you spend 1 full day on updating content on a single site, it would take you 300 days until you come back to update the page. :)

How do you manage your time, really?