Opinions needed for new idea...


New member
I posted this over on WHT, what do you guys/gals think?

Can anyone give me their opinion on the following hypothetical?

RAM hosting. DDR RAM as your disk space. Immediate performance increase of 4x-20x with no changes to your application.

Given the price of RAM vs. traditional HD's, this would obviously be a premium service. Here is what I propose:

Around $0.25 per 1MB on your choice of the following, with no commitment**:
Microsoft SQL Server
MySQL Server
Website space (Windows or Linux)
VPS (Virtuozzo)

**1U free collocation space for every 1GB purchased, with 1yr commitment. Free 1U Dedicated server for every 8GB purchase, with 1yr commitment. Each 1MB purchased includes 35Mb transfer.

The price can be discounted for a commitment or bulk purchase.

Is anyone else doing this? Would anyone need this service? What would be your typical requirements? Advice?


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Did you read this thread? The guy is looking for valid opinions not advertisements.

Besides the O/P seems quite knowledgeable so someone who has the following paragraph as a Testimonial would probably be at the bottom of the heap: "This Company i Had Fought its an Flop! But after one two weeks i had reliased my server had not gone down. And it had become 2Months, I am really impressed With SnM-Networks and There Staff. So Id say you To Buy from here!"

RAM hosting. DDR RAM as your disk space. Immediate performance increase of 4x-20x with no changes to your application.

Given the price of RAM vs. traditional HD's, this would obviously be a premium service. Here is what I propose:

Around $0.25 per 1MB on your choice of the following, with no commitment**:
Microsoft SQL Server
MySQL Server
Website space (Windows or Linux)
VPS (Virtuozzo)

It sounds interesting however I think we are still not advanced in the hosting industry for RAM Hosting ;)
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That is interesting, I've always tried to keep my ram from holding my data and clear! Not actually put data into my ram on purpose and store it there? Have you tested this before on a server with multiple live sites?
Yes, this is currently running 3 very busy sites, which used to run on large disk arrays to improve performance. All technical issues have been ironed out and this has been running for about a year now without a hitch. The site immediately saw our largest database job reduce from 20+ hrs to under 4 hrs (not to mention being able to run other jobs while its running).
I'd of thought this is fine until the server crashes and loses its RAM content.

35Mb Transfer isn't much, connecting to a RAMDISK over the Internet isn't exactly going to offer screaming performance is it? Most people could just make their own ramdisks on their own servers.

It's a good idea however I think it'd be impossible to implement while alleviating any network bottlenecks.
Thanks for the reply...

It is true that people can use a driver based ramdisk, but I would not put any critical data on it. This is typically used for a swap space or maybe a mailserver spool. I guess I cannot repeat this enough to convince people: I have already ironed out ALL technical details to make this work. It is currently running in production. There is no danger of data loss with the way I have it setup (combination of hardware and software). To address the concern of network bottleneck, we have implemented a VSAN, which is capable of 10Gbps.

Aside from the technical details I pose my original questions again:

Is anyone else doing this? Would anyone need this service? What would be your typical requirements? Advice?

BTW, the 35Mb of transfer is PER MB, so if you purchase 1GB you will get 3500Mb of transfer.