
it's ok but i think you might want to see where you have your links below the banner at the top... have you thought about maybe even trying to put them in your banner and then to map it so you can make it a link? or maybe you might want to try having a bar going along underneath the banner which would have your links in the center.

but i think you could try instead of just having plain links there trying using pictures or something.. because from the looks if your test so far you need to make your site look professional and also grab the visitor to your site because anyone that visits your site is a potential customer. and you want to make your site stick out and make them want to look at more of your site... currently your site doesn't make me want to stay.

also it looks a bit plan... maybe if there was some sort of a layout going on your site it might make a difference.

i am just wondering with the names of each of the packages i think that maybe you might either want to make them all in capitals... or leave it in lower case... but if you are going to use bold on it.. i think you should do it to the whole thing... not just bits... i think it makes it look better... either all done or not done at all.

also you need a footer for your page... because you have done all the work with the rest of it and then you get to the bottom of the page there nothing... just © 2003 GPUKNetwork that is popped down the corner...

anyway that's all that i can think of for the moment... nice start.. i would like to see it futher on in the development stage..

i hope there might be some ideas in here that you might want to try...
i don't know if any of them will work for you or will make the site how you want it to... but maybe give it a shot... and if you don't like it well you can always get rid of it :)
Hi Dan,

As a UK host, if you are selling to UK consumers, you will almost certainly need to take heed of the Distance Selling Regulations, or you can get in big trouble... in a nutshell, provide a proper snail mail contact address (i got 404 not found on your site, although i'm sure you were going to fix that), provide proper t&c's that describe the consumers cooloing off period (or more likely, how as you are a webhost they don't have one ;-) - see here for an example of that... http://www.lwdinternet.co.uk/hosting/lwdterms.html).

A guide to DSR can be found here: http://www.consumer.gov.uk/ccp/topics1/guide/distsell.htm

Also.. as a UK host, if you havn't already, it's best to farmiliarise yourself with VAT.. you won't need to charge it or register for it unless your turnover gets above a certain amount, but it's worth knowing as the VAT man is all powerful.

Interesting plan names :)

Hope that helps.
Thanks for that information. I really should put a terms and conditions on there. I'm not finished with the site yet, obviously.
Also I need to get into some search engines, the only results for 'osirishost' I get when I type it into Google I get links to where I've posted on this forum. Can anyone tell me how I can actually get a link into the search engine.
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well first of all there are companies that you can pay to submit yourself or your site into a search engine. but also maybe you could try putting meta tags on your index page? or if you have then on there maybe you need to update them.

try doing the meta tags for yourself... because i don't know if you really want to pay to get your site up... when you can try yourself and not have to pay a thing.. but that is your choice of course.
I've got pretty good listings on google without spending money, i just submitted my site once a week for the first two months now im spidered two or three times a week by google and im gradually moving up the rankings.
yeah i am not sure.. i think it has somethign to do with your meta tags on your website and also i am not sure but i think some webhostss actually submit your site for you as part of your hosting package.... or with whoever you are signed up with.

but aren't there sites's where you can sign up and tell them your site and they will submit it in to the search engines for you or something. but i think there is a catch to them or something.. i don't know of the top of my head but i would gather that there would be. but have a look and see what you can find...
it doesn't look like a hosting website, it looks more like a ...personal site. I would add some images of computers/humans in there to add professionalism to the site.
just my $.02
I mean the web site is loading fine, but the URL it points to within your web site (yourdomain.com/test) apparently does not exist. :)

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