Own Cloud hosting platform?


New member

My questions is to web hosts, but of course anyone else would answer it. So would you nvest in deploying your own cloud alike hosting technology within the next 12 months if it would bring cost savings, highe availability and better performance?

* I realize that the price of any new technology is a key factor. So would also ask how much are you willing to invest

> Under $100,000
< Above $100,000
The cost of launching a cloud hosting operating is quite high, and to do it right will easily run you into the 100,000 range. Not something that I see ourselves doing as we can accomplish much of the same results using multiple computers and a load balancing switch for MUCH less.

Until the general public start to demand CLOUD then there's no reasons for us to move in that direction anyway. If anything (at least initially) if we had a demand from customers we would probably purchase a portion of another datacenters setup (becoming a reseller) - but I don't see much demand for the setup yet.

The investment cost is quite high - it's the same reason many data centers still use desktop machines rather than blade servers. MUCH cheaper to have a big warehare and desktops ($200 for hardware) than to invest in the $1500 per blade configuration.
Have you checked out UK2's new cloud computing platform?
vps.net im in their public beta, its very interesting, they must have thrown a lot of cash in to get the platform to this level. It is a very solid product from what ive experienced so far, the only issues I've had is downgrading my VPS made it get stuck in a restarting loop heh.
I think more (big) companies will invest in cloud computing solutions soon, but unless you have hundreds of thousands lying around you wouldn't be able to create a comptetive enough setup to compete with amazon/this uk2 setup once its gone live
Like handsonhosting said, when the demand for it comes around then I would purchase a portion of a DC and become a reseller. But, as of right now I do not see any demand for it at this moment.

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