Paypal Troubles..


New member
Alright, so my paypal right.. I login and it says it needs more information from me.. says it needs me to confirm my address, which I did, but it says I have to fax in my drivers liscense and my health card.. this is not the first time they asked me to confirm myself.. I've done over 8 things.. e-mails, phone calls, sent in infomation.. wondering if anyone else has to do this much?

Also.. how can I fax somehting to the US without a fax machine? I asked them if i could scan it and send the pic, but they do not accept that.. am I out of luck and can no longer use paypal?
Sorry your having so many problems with them. I've never had to do any of those things although I am in the states, which could account for all the extra verification processes their asking you for. Although we do accept PayPal (some people like them), I'd rather not use them.

My sugestion would be to cut your losses and get a merchant account (if you can).
Merchant account isn't worth it unless you have the volume needed.
Once you do then a merchant account would be the best option, still, a lot of people want to use paypal instead of CC.

Gordy, I have never been asked for any verification apart from the deposits they put in your bank account when you first register.
I did that and have been using PP since without problems related to this anyway.

Don't see why you can't scan either, most companies will allow you to do that if you don't have a fax machine.

I share a PayPal with a buddy, all they ask for is Bank/Credit Card #. We use our Bank account and debit card(visa) and it works well. We are all around verified.
Gordy, try phoning them up and tell them what has happened.
Sometimes they can take days to reply to emails so phoning will be the best way to get in contact with them.
how can I fax somehting to the US without a fax machine?
You could try and send a PC fax. On my old PC I sent a few faxes, worked very well in fact... cannot remember what program it used though, but now I have a fax machine so don't need to use my PC.

am I out of luck and can no longer use paypal?
PayPal isn't the only online processor. You could always use 2CO or PaySystems if you don't want to use your own true merchant account.

wondering if anyone else has to do this much?
I've only twice I think needed to confirm my card and bank details, however nothing else.

Personally I've never had problems with PayPal so don't mind using them. Also some of my clients want to use it. But if you don't want to use them, don't, if you do, then try your best to get it all sorted out.
Hello Ankay :)
The problem is that a lot of people only use paypal, they don't use Credit Cards for hosting accounts, maybe not for anything else online.
Not offering paypal really limits your customers, on the net paypal has a lot of users, and there is a lot that only wants to use paypal.
As a host paypal is something very important, even if it is not your main processor, you could easily lose customers by not offering it, similar to not offering another option to paypal for those that don't want to use it.

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