Please Review

I like the design.

The text could use a very light edit, mostly adding a few apostrophes here and there. Also, you have the Registered Trademark symbol on the bottom of your page, I think inappropriately. There's no trademark there.
Looks nice and clean. I think the logo needs work, though. Not terrible but looks outdated. You can get a really sharp logo done for pretty cheap if graphic design isn't your thing.

I do think the site is sort of cookie-cutter, and there is no real clear focus on your homepage. This is your default landing page - imagine you only have 3 seconds to stand out from every other Web host out there... what do you say to them?

Still looks great but there are so many hosts out there, seems like you need a clear message that sets you apart. "Cheap prices, reliable hosting" is the same message everyone is toting, and nobody buys it. Three years - now that's worth mentioning.

Just a few thoughts, good luck!