PolurNet Review


New member
Name and URL of Hosting Company
PolurNet, http://www.polurnet.com

Hosted URLs
http://www.woworder.net, http://www.e-commerceblog.com, http://www.boat-loan.info (used to be a lot more, but I'm pulling out of domaining now - had about 15 domains hosted by them at one point, though)

Description of services used
BIZZPaw RS-230

How long have you been using this service?
7 months

Detailed Review
On the whole, I am very satisfied with the quality of hosting and customer service provided by PolurNET. I was particularly impressed with the quality of service I received when I first had to move my domains to PolurNET from SenchiHost. At the time, all my domains were used as minisites running Joomla CMS - however, because the SenchiHost servers went down earlier than expected, I did not manage to make a full backup of the MySQL databases. Luckily, PolurNET helped me manually restore all of my 15-something databases based on the regular site backup that I did shortly before the old servers went down (I'm not an expert at these things, so please pardon any errors or sins of omission in the description above). Although I understand that this was a very tedious process, PolurNET provided the service free of charge and I have been their satisfied customer ever since.

- Extremely efficient and friendly customer service (I normally received a reply to any enquiry within 3-6 hours).
- Willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty (see my review above)
- A number of cost-efficient hosting plans tailored to a wide variety of customers

- In the 7 months that I have worked with PolurNET, I have not encountered anything that I would consider worthy of being regarded as a flaw

Would you recommend this company to your best friend?
Yes, without hesitation