Prefered Location for a Data Center?


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Whats a really prefered location for a Data Center in the States?
There are a lot of options but where would you go?
That depends on your requirements. There are so many great data centers to chose from - consider stability, growth, obviously price, flexibility of plans, available bandwidth, etc.
The location is and isn't an issue, it really depends on the DC. Dallas seems to house MANY good providers though.
In most case, doesn't matter where dc is, but let us what kind of job you have or why you need DC..
I think location absolutely matters. Power costs vary widely by region, as well as rack cost. Bandwidth availability and cost vary with a data centers backbone carriers.
For most instances, where the data center is doesn't matter. Speed wise, most data centers have good fast bandwidth providers.

However you are serving a particular niche market, then yes it may matter. For example, if your market is only in the UK and you do not serve other markets. Then it might make better sense to choose one in UK, etc.
If your clientele is in the United States, I would stick with a good central location like Texas. If you will have clientele all over the world, then it would be best to go with an east coast provider.
for the uk side of things id use ether bluesqure, Interaxion House, IP House or Sovereign House all of which have good reputations, groth and great transit providers.
I'm perceiving a lot of recommendations based on latency. I'm actually seeing price as the number one priority of prospects pondering which data center to select.
Having hosted in many different places in the US, much of the decisions will depend on what your market is (as stated earlier). We have servers in Los Angeles which are great machines especially for gamers on western coast. We did find however that the connection speed from Toronto Canada or from Florida etc was slower due to the latency. We also have servers in New York for customers that target locally rather than global (yes, many sites STILL do this) :)

For us, most of our machiens are in Texas, but we do have machines in Germany (for our friends in Europe) and also have a place in Melbourne (Australia) for the Australian market. The latency between the US and Australia is VERY long, and hosting there is expensive due to that they have only two cables out of the country to the rest of the world.

So depending on what you're wanting to do (static site, database site, interactive sites, or a gaming server) the place where you house your server will greatly depend on your intended audience.
I was reading a lot about the subject during the past few days and it was mentioned that Texas is the preferred location for North American audience as well as the rest of the world (I guess it has something to do with speed of responsiveness). Is it true?
Whats a really prefered location for a Data Center in the States?
There are a lot of options but where would you go?

Have had good experiences with Colorado, interior Texas, PA.

However any DC should have good backup lines and power backups no matter where they are. The location doesn't matter if they don't have good backup systems
When choosing location the first criteria was fast access if it was needed... so as New Orleans isn't exactly a big d.c. location anymore, what was either 1 hop plane flight or a do-able drive (while I've done the New Orleans to Virginia non-stop too many times than I should have ... it's not something I'll do if I have a choice), so Dallas and Atlanta were prime candidates.

The next criteria was finding d.c.'s with similar mindsets as ours. First we went into Virtbiz's new d.c. in Dallas, then into Tulix in Altanta. We're quite pleased with both choices and will be sending more equipment to both - a new 8way,32GB,4x750gb RAID10 server is going next week in fact.

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