Probly Offtopic


New member
i know this is a web hosting forums but its a question about hosting
how would i be able to host game server? like lets say i want to start up my own game server hosting site? what do i have to do
illmatic said:
how would i be able to host game server? like lets say i want to start up my own game server hosting site? what do i have to do
Based on a series of questions you've asked so far, I would recommend to stop and first learn about what hosting is, learn the technical and business basics of operating a hosting firm.

Reading the forums, participating in discussions and getting hands on some books might be a great start.

Keep in mind that by starting up a web business chances are likely that you will NOT be profitable instantly. And unless you are able to market correctly you won't be profitable within 6 months. This means that if you're leasing a server for say...$200/month and this comes with x amount of bandwidth and features. You're paying that $200/month whether or not you have clients to support it.

You need to read up on the OS of your choice for this business path. You need to find out what it takes to get a TaxID, find someone who will do your taxes for the business get a lawyer to draw up a ToS and AuP for your services. You have to research the datacenter in question for your servers. Are you going to buy your own servers and co-locate? Do you know what co-locate means?

Do you know how to install these games remotely? What if someone finds an exploit on your server and takes control of your server? Do you know how to get it back? Do you know how to prevent it from happening again?

Keep in mind that it is a cut throat business. This site, and WHT would be some good recommendations to start. Participate in discussions, ask questions and use correct punctuation/spelling/etc... People will take you more seriously and you'll appear more professional.
Exon said:
Keep in mind that by starting up a web business chances are likely that you will NOT be profitable instantly. And unless you are able to market correctly you won't be profitable within 6 months. This means that if you're leasing a server for say...$200/month and this comes with x amount of bandwidth and features. You're paying that $200/month whether or not you have clients to support it.

You need to read up on the OS of your choice for this business path. You need to find out what it takes to get a TaxID, find someone who will do your taxes for the business get a lawyer to draw up a ToS and AuP for your services. You have to research the datacenter in question for your servers. Are you going to buy your own servers and co-locate? Do you know what co-locate means?

Do you know how to install these games remotely? What if someone finds an exploit on your server and takes control of your server? Do you know how to get it back? Do you know how to prevent it from happening again?

Keep in mind that it is a cut throat business. This site, and WHT would be some good recommendations to start. Participate in discussions, ask questions and use correct punctuation/spelling/etc... People will take you more seriously and you'll appear more professional.

Agree, Agree.. you should be looking for OS manuals, information books, as well as look around the net to find ebooks or actual books that will introduce you to the network setup and how it works, as well as a game server works and what software would be best to control the billing, and the games and its users as well.

Part of TOS and AUP, is very important, if you miss something, a user might keep you to it or even go further. Read up on this too.

Also, as the other post said, make sure you have enough funds in your bank to accept the cost for few months before you may go and earn it all back for the next few months. Way long before profit will come in. It all depends.

Also, give it a try and speak with companies that are already in the business of game hosting, ask them questions and see how they do things in different situations.


Artur Bobinski