Processing new accounts and billing


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Hello all,

I'm a newbie at reselling hosting but have been doing website design and have several websites. I'm glad that I found this forum.

I set-up my reseller account and ClientExec is the billing software provided by the hosting company. My question is how do I create accounts for new customers and charge them. Do I create a form to gather their information? I've never done any type of credit card transactions. Does the billing software already have a form to gather client information? I hope my question makes sense. Thanks!

Hello there Dennis, and welcome. Firstly I must say I’m no expert with clientexe however a good place to start is here: Clientexe Getting Started

Where you will find the manual and instructions with a mixture of tutorials with getting started and what and what not to do. As for the order form and setting up accounts clientexe will do this for you after you have setup and created your packages (both on Webhost Manager (WHM) and clientexe) and changed a number of settings.

For the Credit card (CC) processing this will most probably be handled via PayPal, MoneyBookers or Google Checkout for example and there are options provided within the admin panel of Clientexe to enable and disable this (as well as entre the account details for these accounts).

Personally Id always recommend seeking out an SSL (secure Socket Layer) certificate to add peace of mind, trust and that extra security to your billing system, as you are still governed by DMCA (copyright act) and others for the safety and usage of personal data despite you most likely not having access directly to the card or bank details of a client.

Hope that helps :)
Thank you for your reply. I had started browsing their website but had computer issues. Now that I have that resolved I'll do more research. I appreciate you taking the time too respond to my question. Lots to learn!

Hello there Dennis, and welcome. Firstly I must say I’m no expert with clientexe however a good place to start is here: Clientexe Getting Started

Where you will find the manual and instructions with a mixture of tutorials with getting started and what and what not to do. As for the order form and setting up accounts clientexe will do this for you after you have setup and created your packages (both on Webhost Manager (WHM) and clientexe) and changed a number of settings.

For the Credit card (CC) processing this will most probably be handled via PayPal, MoneyBookers or Google Checkout for example and there are options provided within the admin panel of Clientexe to enable and disable this (as well as entre the account details for these accounts).

Personally Id always recommend seeking out an SSL (secure Socket Layer) certificate to add peace of mind, trust and that extra security to your billing system, as you are still governed by DMCA (copyright act) and others for the safety and usage of personal data despite you most likely not having access directly to the card or bank details of a client.

Hope that helps :)

I've always considered Clientexec administration panel to be a little complicated and therefore have always used WHMCS when needed. But as with any billing software, you'll just need to install and configure it accordingly. Make sure that you test the order form and account creation as it wouldn't be too great to start accepting orders without knowing whether or not it works properly.

When it comes to credit cards, you really shouldn't have a problem with the processing. If I'm not mistaken PayPal should take care of this for you through its own processor and will obviously allow you to accept payments from PayPal account holders. Keep in mind, however, that there is a fee for incoming transactions on PayPal accounts.
Thanks. I'm actually using ClientExec with PayPal for payment processing. I tested it with their Sandbox and it seems to have worked fine.
I'd like to clarify on the fee portion, you will only be charged a fee IF their funding source is from a credit card rather than their balance. So if John Doe has $20 in their balance and you're charging them $14.99 for that month's hosting, you shouldn't be charged anything extra if I'm not mistaken.

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