Professional hosting templates and many others


New member
We have a template categorie that might be of interest for some.
You can find the hosting website templates at
Prices available in $, €, ₤
They are all discounted 5%
Interested in getting 10% discount PM me.
And yes we are templatemonster reseller.
But 5% cheaper. Sometimes we give higher discounts.
Check back between christmas and new year!
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The site doesn't appear to be working right now. The images are not showing. Date and Time are above this post. Must be a techie problem.

down because of hack

Some one tried to hack the server. That is why the pictures didn't show.
The total downtime was 45minutes. Now we are back and running.
You may try again.
Aaah, much better...Great Site...good templates
Thanks for having the balls to come back and explain what was up (or down in this case)!

Discount season

Equinox said:
Aaah, much better...Great Site...good templates
Thanks for having the balls to come back and explain what was up (or down in this case)!


Why wouldn't we.

Check back. A little bit earlier, but we have made our offers even better.
15% discount on all templates also on hosting templates! And we added a new categorie specially for the end off the year: 50% discount on those templates. :dance: :dance: :thankyou:

you find us at:
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