profitting from domain.

I think the name of domain is the most important factor. After how long the name is and how easy is it to remember. The traffic the domain had is also another factor on gaining profit from it.
The Easier the Domain name the more value it has. Also, if you have a Domain name which is really important for a Company then you can earn a Good amount of Money. For example, if you have a Domain name called JK dot com then you can earn a Good amount of Money from a Company called JK or something close to that. Just an Example :)
"Something is only worth what someone's willing to pay". My father told me that many years ago. I'm not really sure if you can "make" a domain worth more in that sense Don't get me wrong, you could, but is it worth it?

Mmany people who are "domain dealers" so to speak spend a lot of time/money on domains that are never really worth that much to someone else.
I agree as well with Zachary McClung...

So the way I'd take it as, if you're making a recipe website and you want a food item to be part of the url, don't have brussel sprouts in it...if I heard of a site with that in the url I'd never visit it as I'd think brussel sprouts are the primary item, and b.s.'s are one of the least popular food items to my knowledge.
what do you do to make your old domain gaining profit?

thanks for advance!
How to make an old domain gain profit? So you're looking to flip your old domain - I don't know how you can increase it's profit - buyers are looking at purchasing domain names based on potiential revenue streams. Maybe I'm not understanding your question?
I actually do different things with my old domains or those I just have in my portfolio.

1. Domains that are relevant to a certain site (such as this one for example) I forward to the main active site. Few type-in traffic will never hurt.

2. I park some domains with Not all domains bring revenue, but at least one of them does a few dollars a month in revenue, which is great as I don't do anything at all, so it helps pay for renewal domain fees.
I was looking at this more from the standpoint of selling the domain, but Artashes advice will absolutely increase your old domains value.

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