Putty's being weird?!


New member
It started a few days ago.. After a few minutes of being connected and performing various tasks Putty just freezes.. It's the strangest thing I've encountered in a while, never had any problems with it at all. Keep alive seems not to have an effect, but Ctrl+Q seems to bring it back to life briefly.

This is really frustrating as I'm trying to install software that takes 30-90 minutes and requires my input at various times.. Any ideas, suggestions?
Could it be the server you're connected to? Does it happen on connections to other servers?

I've not had any problems or issues with Putty over the years. I'd venture to say that it could be a connection issue or that the server you're connected to is stalling.

Odd that Control Q would bring it back for a bit.
There's a keepalive setting in the menu, see 'connection', change 0 to 10 and see if the problem goes away..

Anyway, you could use 'screen', and just logon and attach to the original session if you get kicked out..
I have never managed to hear of anyone breaking putty :D but my guess would be the same as Connor's, connection issues. Now if we lived in a world were everything was perfect, we would not have issues like this. :D Check connection and see if that helps, swap what you are connecting to as well just to double check.
As per the nature of the issue, it does look like it is a connectivity issue, this has to be reported to the ISP.
Well to tell the truth,have used putty a lot, have never faced any problems, it could be a connection issue, check with other servers to see if the problem persists.


It started a few days ago.. After a few minutes of being connected and performing various tasks Putty just freezes.. It's the strangest thing I've encountered in a while, never had any problems with it at all. Keep alive seems not to have an effect, but Ctrl+Q seems to bring it back to life briefly.

This is really frustrating as I'm trying to install software that takes 30-90 minutes and requires my input at various times.. Any ideas, suggestions?

Did you try re-downloading it? it was doing this to me and i did this small simple process and now it works fine.

- Many Thanks,

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