RabbitRoasters.com - Review Needed

Good website. I think that second background will be more reliable as you are using gray color in a header. Also navigation font is to simple. Try to make strong custom font for it. But the overall idea is great. IMHO
Rather odly One looks the better of the three to me, the lighter more complicated backgrounds of the second two distract from the content where as the first i simple and dosent draw the eye away from the content.

Overall good however, thouhg id agree with th above as to a change in the navigation font
I'm also partial to the clean layout of Number 1.

Adding in the other backgrounds drew me away from the content of the site. Also, considering page load time, if you drop that background, you'll have faster loading pages :) I'm all about the speed when surfing!
I too vote for number 1. I think the flames for a background are too busy. The clean version of style 1 works best for me.

I agree, the hellish fire is distracting. Maybe you can add a bit more color to the nav area or logo area, if you want to give the site a bit more life.
The first one is simple and clean. Backgrounds are a distraction imo, but if you must have one, I suggest number 2.
The darker flames are better.... and also, the rabbits flame at the top right is cut off... maybe you can make it go off the template.
I like #3. Might want to change the color of the main portion to match but the 3rd background definitely pops the most.
I've always felt that small text takes me away from any page unless I'm reading up on some type of news site. Possibly a little larger font. Maybe even some bold on the menu bar wouldn't hurt.