Reality TV Fans?


New member
I will admit, I like reality tv. But not most of the stuff they put on network tv like The Apprentice or Survivor. I like the shows on Discovery (I loved Deadliest Catch), the Travel Channel (American Casino), and VH1 (My Fair Brady, Celebrity Fit Club, But Can They Sing). Then there is the mother of all reality shows - The Real World, although I hated this season.

Haven't watched Real world since their first 3 or 4. Too young for me I think. I do like Big Brother and Survivor and the best is Amazing Race, though this season is a bit lame with the family element to it.
I used to like Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race and other reality shows however I'm starting to lose interest in them.
Well, I definitely think people are about to lose interest in some of the reality shows. It is like the game shows - remember when Who Wants to be a Millionaire was on three or four nights a week? But I do like the more obscure shows. Did anyone watch 30 Days (by the guy that did the documentary Supersize Me?)

30 Days (I cannot remember what channel it was on - maybe UPN or Fox) was like a smaller version of Supersize Me. They took a person and put them in a different atmospher for 30 days. They had a heterosexual guy that they sent to live with a gay guy in San Francisco, the people who were not enviromentally conscious lived with the people who were (only used solar power, grew their own food, no tv, cars ran on french fry oil, etc), the Christian went to live with the Muslims (I never knew so many lived in Deerborn, MI). It was actually an interesting show and I learned a lot from it.

Reality TV shows don't ammuse me the same way as the Simpsons does (duh), though I can't say I don't watch any. I get a real kick out of watching people eat bugs on Fear Factor for only a few thousand dollars :D