Reseller vs VPS


New member
The best thing to hit webhosting technology is VPS IMO only i dont use it really. Still its a great option for people who dont want to pay for a dedicated server. What are your opinions?
Compared to reseller vps is considered as the best option bcoz it uses its own disk space, RAM, CPU, IP addresses and it can be rebooted independently. Each VPS performs and executes exactly like a stand-alone server. In nearly every perspective you can see a VPS as if it’s a dedicated server.
Virtual Private Server provides features usually reserved for a dedicated server at a more affordable price. An increasing number of web hosting users need more flexibility, custom configurations, and root access, and the concept of a true virtual server fit their needs perfectly.
I think VPS's are a great stepping stone to Dedicated servers. It filled a gap that was missing for so many years and now they are very popular so it is easier for customers to find them.

However it all depends on the needs of the user, as to what they need in Reseller vs. VPS. No matter what, some people will just never want to run their own servers or be responsible for them. Making sure software/scripts are updated and to be bothered when it goes down, fixing it, etc. If they do go with a VPS they will probably have to hire someone to manage their VPS or get a very good managed VPS package, which are out there but can be pricey. VPS on the other hand are great for those that want to be proactive in keeping their own server up, therefore they know it is running correctly at all times. They like being responsible for the server and they feel can provide a better service to their customers.

There seems to be a thin line between the two choices, I see users go back and forth between the two all the time. Some like resellers more, some like VPS more. Its really what works for the users, I can't say one would be better than the other.
Virtual private servers are excellent for just starting out in the hosting industry. They provide the performance that you really need with a very low cost involved.

Excellent posting by all
With VPS you get full root access like a dedicated box, ability to add software as needed and most of the responsibility you would have with a dedicated server.

Everyone always talks about how difficult it is to step from a reseller to a dedicated server. When Biz Hosting Network was first starting out we did the whole baby steps from reseller to VPS to a real server and honestly it was not that big of a deal. The VPS company we used managed it so well I did not have to worry about it. And, then when I did get to a actual server I had already played around enough with other people's servers. If you have cPanel linux administration is a breeze. The VPS is a nice solution though for someone who does not want the hassle though.

Well another good thing about VPS is with the root access you can make resellers ;) resellers can't make resellers unless you have permission (which is very rare.) VPS is the same thing as a DS but it's like a fraction of the resources.
One of the main advantage of VPS is that if one VPS on the server is being attacked all the other VPS's are completely unaffected since they have their dedicated amount of resources.
James-A said:
One of the main advantage of VPS is that if one VPS on the server is being attacked all the other VPS's are completely unaffected since they have their dedicated amount of resources.

Unless it's a Ddos, in which case the line to the server is saturated and everyone suffers :(
WK-Anthony said:
Unless it's a Ddos, in which case the line to the server is saturated and everyone suffers :(

Exactly... it will affect but in any case VPS are much better option than reseller account.
If you have extra $$$ go for the VPS, its basically like a starter dedicated server. You can learn a lot from it and later expand and manage your own dedicated server.
If you really don't need the VPS, reseller is the best option. You don't have to worry about managing the server and you can concentrate on your business. It's fine for just shared accounts you want to resell. If you want to resell reseller accounts, I bet you could talk to your provider to get a special deal on those. If not, a high end VPS would be a good choice.
VPS is the best choice if you are looking for something serious, but otheway reseller is the best choice to avoide any extra costs. With good amount of resources VPS takes much cost. But in that sense reseller hosting is way too low now a days.

VPS only has a few advantages over a reseller account, and some disadvantages as well :

- Security. You are in charge of all security patching on your VPS except for the kernel (if using VZ/OpenVZ and no management)

- Memory. You might have access to burst ram, but a reseller account has access to the full ram on a reseller server. On a VPS, you're likely to hit into the famous "white page". It's blank because the VPS has no more memory to offer you (cPanel itself takes 200MB)

- With a VPS, you will probably try to sell reseller accounts. Are you ready for resellers? Resellers tend to be power users, and expect a powerful server backing them.

- A VPS is still shared. You have guaranteed allotments, and running a production system in burst is almost business suicide. Be prepared to have many more issues with a VPS than you do with a reseller account.

On the + side of things, you can indeed install whatever you want on a VPS, being able to reboot it instantly, and so on...pros and cons for both.
I didn't quite get one point the thread is about "VPS vs reseller " with reselling in mind? If so, I'd choose a reselling plan from a stable provider that will spare me the headache of managing VPS and supporting my clients.
Quality reseller and vps are both relaible. As stated further up the thread, ram is more touchy with vps.

Depends on your budget and needs. Considering either can be had fully managed, one simply cost more than the other and gives you more control. The vps can of course bring with it better performance for certain applications, but do you need that extra omph? If not, reseller.
The vps can of course bring with it better performance for certain applications
Depending on the provider, it can result in an overall less impressive performance as well.

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