Resellers Center For WHMCS 3.5.0 on the loose!

1. Resellers Center For WHMCS 3.5.0

This week, to our immense delight, another well-known module from our WHMCS set was brought a huge step closer to perfection. The talk is all about the Resellers Center For WHMCS 3.5.0 update we have the pleasure to deliver to you today!

What can you expect from this promising new version?

For starters, the module has just embraced a full-fledged support for WHMCS V7.8.3 and it is now confirmed to work seamlessly in this fresh-new system version. Additionally, equipped with this new tool, you will be able to freely choose whether to display or hide services ordered through the reseller’s store in your Admin Store view.

While this is only a small amount of novelties to pick and choose from, many more still await your undivided attention on our website.

Learn more about Resellers Center For WHMCS 3.5.0!

2. MetricsCube 1-Year Anniversary

"Simple Business Analytics" may mean many different things to many different people. For the founders of MetricsCube this catchphrase has always been more of a continual improvement process rather than the goal itself.

This revelatory tool which gradually developed to become the most cutting-edge data analysis solution the whole web hosting scene has ever witnessed, has just turned 1 year old! Is it much? Looking back at all the incredible stuff MetricsCube team has managed to pull off so far - it seems like a long time. But once you look into the future, it will be most safe to assume that everything is still ahead of them - because there are no limits when it comes to software innovation.

Stop by the latest MetricsCube Blog to have a sneak peek at the exciting future plans!

3. See what’s on the list of our latest releases:

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