Reselling web hosting in Asian market


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MOD NOTE: post split from this thread.

I know it is a dead thread but I wanted to know more information about resellers and China. I also found it very interesting that South Korea is a good source for hosting outside of China. I am interested in more information on the Asian Hosting market. A brief will suffice.
We've looked at China, though if you're establishing a business presence, get set to do the hard yards.

If you're simply offering U.S/U.K hosting in Chinese Yuan, then quite simple to do I believe.

If you want to offer on-shore Chinese hosting, I suggest contacting a few data centers and getting a feel from them as to their internal requirements for resellers as they'd understand a lot more about the market they operate in. There are definite restrictions on foreign companies trading in China and it is recommended you engage the services of a business specialist or accountant/lawyer whose worked with a similar situation.

We looked at Hong Kong, which still has good connectivity to China, with less restrictions from what we were able to make out, though at the time data center space was limited and pricey. Asia is well connected by sub-cables, so inter-asia traffic shouldn't be too much of a concern if you end up going with somewhere like HK or Singapore.
CDN Hybrid Hosting may be a better solution

It depends on who you are offering the hosting to, but if you are selling Asian hosting to westerners, it may be a better solution to host in the west and use a good CDN (Content Delivery Network) with asian pops.

This will give the the best of both worlds, without the stress of finding a datacentre with good connectivity or physical security etc, whilst bypassing any legal difficulties.
I would only prefer hosts from US or UK, not from any other country.
The hosts from these countries, especially US are reliable, cheap and good.
That's not easy to run IT business in China.

Its not easy running any business in China given the ownership laws int he country, not to mention the regulations in some industries.

We've worked with business who export from China who have some stories to tell. IF you can find good people on the ground there, then you'll do well, though don't expect to operate from arm's length.
since 99% of all spam originates from the Chinanet system this tells you how the industry actually works and is regulated in China.
Forget about China if you want to establish your presence in Asia. China's "Great Wall" will screw your business up in no time, unless you are personally based in China. Other viable locations in Asia include Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea. :)
Since Jan 2011, I found Hostitek which offer reseller hosting from Taiwan Server. It looks not bad, but as every provider from Asia, their price is very high. I choose them because I had a coupon discount to 60%.
China is going to be one of the more hard ones, actually, the Asian market is going to be hard. Now if you just want the servers in US/UK, and pay with money, it might be easier.
I agree to the fact that Asian hosts are less reliable than US/UK Hosts, but some are exception, is now well established in India for e.g and they have good services too, we ourselves are US based, but support staff members are from India and Austraila,

In terms of hardware, bandwith is definitely more expensive in Asian Countries and they are not too many large datacenter places, allthough a new datacenter is in place in Singapore, softlayer and rackspace are very interested in that datacenter.
I think you should expect an even harder competition. The market is even greater so if you are good at sales/marketing it would be a big opportunity.

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