Review: DemonicsNet Hosting


New member
I would like you all to review my site and give me some feedback as what could be better.

Site URL:
It looks nice. Nice choice in colors :)

But, It needs something as it is a little plain.

1. I would add role over's on the links to the left.
2. Maybe add some more images like pictures of the datacenter or info on the network.

IE: (This is the provider)

Don't get me wrong, it does look nice just needs a little more work and it will be much better.
Are you using phpcoin for the backend of your site?

I think the design could be improved, the logo could be improved with some small effects and increasing the res
The header could be improved by making the res higher again and maybe changing the default phpcoin buttons could add something more personal to your site also.

A solid or different gradient background for your left menu could also give it a more professional touch :)

If you want any more suggestions just ask
well, I am using phpcoin at my home *nix server, and used some of the images from phpcoin on my site. I'm kinda running without a billing software installed. The scripting of the site was done by me in PHP. I tried to install phpcoin, but failed serval times. Not to sure what the cause is, besides the cookies being messed up. Couldn't login. I'm pretty much a newbie to website design, but at least i tried my best to design it the best I could. :)

Maybe a template is your answer. I know it is not easy to design a site and being a programmer that makes it even harder. I don't do graphics. Anyhow, there are some nice templates out there and if you would like to see some of my templates check out

Hope this helps, your site is not bad looking just needs a little tweeks to make it better.
Hey JD,

Not a bad start for a site. But I do have some feedback for you on the site design. Don't take it personally :)

First off...

1) Easy navigation through entire site
2) User interactive (Customer login / email form)
3) Simple site (Even shell users with Lynx can browse it)
4) Code looks clean and easy to upgrade in the future if necessary.
5) Competitive hosting plans.


1) On your main page, take away the table borders for your 'Links' section.

2) On your main page. You only mention 3 things on this page. how about adding a news section or maybe a little bit about the company... or why people should choose you over other hosting businesses. Right now it sounds like you are talking about money a bit too much. might scare some customers away.

3) Use proper alignment with your text, forms, etc. Center Alignment doesn't look good with most pages.

4) Add some more color and images. Maybe create some roll over links or something.

5) Remove the IRCd Sells Coming Soon part from your links. That should be something you put in your Business News section. If the link doesnt work... there is no point in having it up. Know what I mean?

6) Again on your 'Hosting' page remove the raised table borders and try using just regular 1pixel width lines. Watch for the alignment issue on this page too.

7) Make sure if you add the COPYRIGHT information on the bottom footer that you are an actual legal business with the paperword and necessary Tax ID information. Posting false information may get you in legal trouble and may cause some doubt in your potential customers. ( You may be a registered company, Im just guessing on this part )

Over all you have a good start. A little more time of adding graphics and rich content will make your site better. As Turnkey said earlier, if you have problems with graphic designs you can always try getting a template from somewhere. That way all you have to worry about is backend coding and rich content placement.

Good Luck! If you need help just ask.
I think a template would be a good help for you, I dont think your images make the site look the most professional, you want to give the most professional impression of your site when a prospective client visits, its normally the firstthing they see about your company, impression means a lot to people when they are looking for a host, I think it means too much to be honest but some people really do make opinions on a host just by their first impression.

You have to make sure you can make the best first impression possible to anyone that may be considering being a client with you
Good look for shells, quick, clean, simple and actually really fast to navigate but it won't keep anyone reading long so you may loose out in the hosting side.

One thing your economy plan $0.99 on paypal - boy are you gonna get blasted with loads who will use it all and more if they can get away with it :D I think word of forum will get you loads who may have hit the free market otherwise.

I thought I was doing well with a low cost entry plan at £1-50/month :p
I am using a new template, and I got a friend to redo some of the graphics, so this so be the best choice for me. Thanks for all the help. It really means alot to me. :)
Looks a lot better. Nice turn around time for getting up the new site.

Make sure you add some tutorials and some FAQ so people can find answers to what they are looking for.

Good Job Brent.

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