Review updated site


New member
Hey guys,

We have recently given our website a mild overhaul.

Would love you here any suggestions/criticsm you have, currently we're making a list of required corrections :uhh:
Your infrastructure link does not work and your blog is not linked. Also once in the Customer Portal, there's no link back to your home page. Or if there is, I couldn't find it. Other than that, I love the color scheme and overall theme.
Thanks Steve. I have fixed the infrastructure link, unfortunately blog doesn't exist yet :), it's surprising what others can catch which you don't notice!
What a great job you did with the website.

I've seen websites with a similar setup/layout, but 6sync looks fresh and unique, with its own spin on things. I like how it is done with attention to detail and proper sizing.

The absolutely only issue for me was the complexity to actually find the pricing information/plan comparison chart.
When you click on "Which Plan" page (, you can see a brief description of plans, but the information seems limited without actual details (at least basics: RAM, DISK, PRICE), unless you click on a Sign Up page. I think this information should be a little more spread on the site and more accessible.
Good design I can see. But at the same time I see not much info on the main page and need to scroll... Why? I assume you need to minimize a bit all of your header body and footer
Personally, I feel that it would look better scaled down (as rumsfo mentioned, the user has to do a lot of scrolling), but the whole theme is just beautiful. It comes across as very slick and easy to use. Definitely good work, I'm sure it'll pay off in the future!

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